I know you are very focused on all the laws Lincoln broke, but my question is simple. Whatever alternative you are arguing Lincoln could have done, would any of them have resulted in the Union being intact, or are you suggesting he should have let the country split into two?
Okay, so in this comment you are essentially saying that Lincoln should have let the Southern States secede. Yes, this is the more common argument I hear from people. The answer as to why that would have allowed the Cabal to enslave us much much faster than the 150 odd years it took them is easy to see.
With the Union (northern states) fully under the banker control - if the past 6 years have taught us anything, it would have been a piece of cake using their usual methods, for the Bankers to foster the north-south division to the point where they would have destroyed anyone's ability to stand in their way.
Remember, it took them 2 world wars to get that kind of control in Europe. The South and the red blooded Americans were the only thing stopping them from getting that kind of control in America. This was the true goal of splitting the Union - not for some financial gain but for accelerating the control.
The only thing that stood against their plan, and required them to do their 150 years plan was the southerners standing in the way as checks and balances.
You can disagree all you want, and keep crying about how Lincoln disregarded the constitution - the end result, whether you like it or not - was, allowing the Union to split would have seen the world end up in oblivion, long before Trump and Q had even a hope of standing in the way
I;m trying to point out that Each State, is a NATION unto itself, and also in relation to the other states, and especially so to the U.S. FEDERATION....
The United States in NOT, and Never has been a ""Nation"", it is a Conglomeration of Nations, like a Grouping of Companies into a Larger Corporation for Mutual Advantages....
The Founders kinda screwed up the NAME, instead of the cutesy sounding ""United States"", They really should have named it the United Nations of America, it is both much more accurate and more Bold....
Well, one of the reasons, just one of them is, They split in Two Because of the FEDERAL DEBT, and because the Northern States were demanding Special Privileges on that Debt, where the Southern States would pay the Lions Share of it....
This was a Rothschilds Banking Ploy, to intentionally break up the Union, Lincoln knew this, and he chose to fight the Split, not the Cause of it, he chose POORLY....
Okay, so if I parse all this, what you are essentially saying is, Lincoln should have ensured there was a no split, by tackling the root problem - which was to tackle the bankers and their agents of mischief and their mainstream propaganda, which was being used to turn north against south.
I know you are very focused on all the laws Lincoln broke, but my question is simple. Whatever alternative you are arguing Lincoln could have done, would any of them have resulted in the Union being intact, or are you suggesting he should have let the country split into two?
With or without the Southern States, the Union is always Whole....
If we were to lose 25 States today, the Union would still be Whole, smaller yes, but Whole....
So, YES, the Union would still be Whole, without the Southern States, and Yes he should have let them go...
There's much more to this, but YES to both parts....
It's a Maths Thing....
Okay, so in this comment you are essentially saying that Lincoln should have let the Southern States secede. Yes, this is the more common argument I hear from people. The answer as to why that would have allowed the Cabal to enslave us much much faster than the 150 odd years it took them is easy to see.
With the Union (northern states) fully under the banker control - if the past 6 years have taught us anything, it would have been a piece of cake using their usual methods, for the Bankers to foster the north-south division to the point where they would have destroyed anyone's ability to stand in their way.
Remember, it took them 2 world wars to get that kind of control in Europe. The South and the red blooded Americans were the only thing stopping them from getting that kind of control in America. This was the true goal of splitting the Union - not for some financial gain but for accelerating the control.
The only thing that stood against their plan, and required them to do their 150 years plan was the southerners standing in the way as checks and balances.
You can disagree all you want, and keep crying about how Lincoln disregarded the constitution - the end result, whether you like it or not - was, allowing the Union to split would have seen the world end up in oblivion, long before Trump and Q had even a hope of standing in the way
I;m trying to point out that Each State, is a NATION unto itself, and also in relation to the other states, and especially so to the U.S. FEDERATION....
The United States in NOT, and Never has been a ""Nation"", it is a Conglomeration of Nations, like a Grouping of Companies into a Larger Corporation for Mutual Advantages....
The Founders kinda screwed up the NAME, instead of the cutesy sounding ""United States"", They really should have named it the United Nations of America, it is both much more accurate and more Bold....
Well, one of the reasons, just one of them is, They split in Two Because of the FEDERAL DEBT, and because the Northern States were demanding Special Privileges on that Debt, where the Southern States would pay the Lions Share of it....
This was a Rothschilds Banking Ploy, to intentionally break up the Union, Lincoln knew this, and he chose to fight the Split, not the Cause of it, he chose POORLY....
Okay, so if I parse all this, what you are essentially saying is, Lincoln should have ensured there was a no split, by tackling the root problem - which was to tackle the bankers and their agents of mischief and their mainstream propaganda, which was being used to turn north against south.
Am I reading it right?