You do understand that try as they might, hiring all the Best Lawyers, even setting up a Jury of Anti-Southerners, they just couldn't get a Conviction on Jefferson Davis, just like the DemonRats today with Trump....
The Reason they couldn't, is because Davis, although Charged with Treason, never betrayed his Nation, And his Nationality is/was fully protected under Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1: The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States..
But hoo boy did they try....
So, instead of having that problem later, they came up with the 14th Amendment, and simply stole the State Citizens right out of their States, and made everyone into Federal Chattel....
You do understand that try as they might, hiring all the Best Lawyers, even setting up a Jury of Anti-Southerners, they just couldn't get a Conviction on Jefferson Davis, just like the DemonRats today with Trump....
The Reason they couldn't, is because Davis, although Charged with Treason, never betrayed his Nation, And his Nationality is/was fully protected under Article IV, Section 2, Clause 1: The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States..
But hoo boy did they try....
So, instead of having that problem later, they came up with the 14th Amendment, and simply stole the State Citizens right out of their States, and made everyone into Federal Chattel....
Anyway, Thanks for the High Compliment....