posted ago by Jas77 ago by Jas77 +17 / -1

Lavrov suggests ‘hundreds’ of US troops are in Ukraine https://www.rt.com/russia/569154-lavrov-us-troops-ukraine/ the Russians claim that u.s. troops are in Ukraine. Well here is something from 2018. https://dmna.ny.gov/pressroom/?id=1533218683 https://www.nationalguard.mil/News/Article/1557426/ny-army-guard-soldiers-mentor-and-learn-in-ukraine/ Now what part of u.s. troops being in the Ukraine is a conspiracy? They are just blatantly lying. That's all there is to it. The u.s. is directly involved in fighting the Russians. God help us all for allowing these faggots to run our collective lives and drag us all to the brink of nuclear war. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3714285-why-biden-is-sending-us-weapons-experts-into-ukraine/ do you believe them when they say they are in non combat roles? Do you believe them when they say how much money is being sent? https://www.nationalguard.mil/News/Article/2934989/more-us-troops-deploying-to-europe-guard-leaving-ukraine/. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3781964-final-funding-bill-includes-45b-for-ukraine/. I must of forgot when the Ukraine became the 51st u.s. state.... Sheer retardation from top to bottom and I for one want no part in any of it including being taxed for this fucked up shit.