Why do you think God would care about such things like Earth true shape or Moon landing? Those are completely insignificant topics that doesn't impact anything. And if God doesn't care about those topics, neither should we. The real truth is inaccessible to humans anyway, only God has it. Remember what happened the first time humanity got too curious?
Why do you think God would care about such things like Earth true shape
This is akin to asking why an artist cares what color the sky in his painting is. He cares in that he made a choice to make it that way. God may have created a clockwork universe that defined the shape, or he could have said I wanted planets to be round because people can circumnavigate them easier than if it was a cube.. we don't know. But we shouldn't assume he doesn't care how he made His creation. He cares about all of His creation. The birds, the ants, everything.
I worded it badly, just that line like that, you are indeed right.
Here's are my thoughts: God could have made the Earth flat, spherical, cubic, or whatever shape, and still make the universe works exactly how He wants. He chose a specific shape, and that's it. Maybe there's a reason, maybe it's just a result of all the other laws of the universe He wanted to have and He was fine with it, but there's no point in caring so much about this on our side. This shape, to us, is completely insignificant. Will your life change that much if tomorrow, you learn it's actually flat? Or Cubic? No, nothing will change.
Using the Bible as a scientific tool is beyond absurd. The Bible is here to help us, humans, understand God's law and sacrifice, not to understand God's creations.
Do you think the entire universe was created in true 6 Earth-days? What about all the carbon dating that tells us some stuff are millions or billions or years old, you think that's God tricking us and trying to make us believe something wrong? No, that doesn't add up, cause God can't lie, so he wouldn't make something purely to trick us into the wrong direction.
If the Earth is flat, why would they say circles anyway, among any other shape possible? Why not square? Ellipsis? Any form of any polygon ever? Why just say "circle"? In ancient times, where a word like "Sphere" may not exist because it's "too mathematical" for the time (exactly how terms like "factorial" or "root" didn't exist at the time), circle would be a decent way to describe the Earth if it was actually spherical.
"the horizon would constantly drop as you ascended" That implies 2 different things:
Either the Earth is finite, and thus, you should be able to see the entire Earth at once. But if it says "you only see the horizon no matter how far you go", that means you don't see the entire Earth, or else there would be no more horizon. Thus, this argument is completely wrong.
Either the Earth is infinite, which raises many many other questions and is completely incoherent with anything we've observed so far.
I'm open to ideas that the Earth may be something else that what we've been told, but so far, all the flat-Earthers arguments fall short very quickly. If you want to prove me it's flat, use actual mathematical tools like holonomy. I'll wait until then.
Do you think the entire universe was created in true 6 Earth-days
Do you think a God that created the entirity of the universe couldn't create the earth and everything in it within 6 days? Are you an authority of what constituted a day back then? What if time was much slower back then? Or the processes He employed were supercharged in some manner? I don't understand why someone would accept the idea of an all-powerful Creator God (creator of life, the universe and everything), but think He couldn't do it all in an instant if He wanted to.
Do you think a God that created the entirity of the universe couldn't create the earth and everything in it within 6 days?
I never said He couldn't. God lives outside time itself, so the whole "6 days" to Him is absolutely meaningless to begin with. He could make an infinite amount of universes before a photon even makes a single movement.
I'm not critizing the idea that God could create a world in 6 days, what I'm critizing is people thinking that, when everything in our world points to something different. If God created the world in 6 days, then why, in this very same universe, is carbon dating showing us some stuff are billions of years old? Why are stars billions of years old? Why are bones we find in the ground already millions of years old? Why would God create an universe in 6 days, but then make everything tell a lie to us to fool us at every corner? God is perfect, and He doesn't lie, so why would His very own creation lie to us?
I agree with that, but we should also accept we will be left in the dark in some topics. We can't handle all the truth on all subjects, not a single human can hold that much. I would rather get the truth on subject that matters to me directly (best example for now: the covid vaccines), rather than wasting my time on trying to debunk the Moon landing. Ok cool, the Moon landing was fake and I have the proof, now what? I know the top people are liars already, so it's not going to change much.
Why do you think God would care about such things like Earth true shape or Moon landing? Those are completely insignificant topics that doesn't impact anything. And if God doesn't care about those topics, neither should we. The real truth is inaccessible to humans anyway, only God has it. Remember what happened the first time humanity got too curious?
This is akin to asking why an artist cares what color the sky in his painting is. He cares in that he made a choice to make it that way. God may have created a clockwork universe that defined the shape, or he could have said I wanted planets to be round because people can circumnavigate them easier than if it was a cube.. we don't know. But we shouldn't assume he doesn't care how he made His creation. He cares about all of His creation. The birds, the ants, everything.
I worded it badly, just that line like that, you are indeed right.
Here's are my thoughts: God could have made the Earth flat, spherical, cubic, or whatever shape, and still make the universe works exactly how He wants. He chose a specific shape, and that's it. Maybe there's a reason, maybe it's just a result of all the other laws of the universe He wanted to have and He was fine with it, but there's no point in caring so much about this on our side. This shape, to us, is completely insignificant. Will your life change that much if tomorrow, you learn it's actually flat? Or Cubic? No, nothing will change.
Yep, he could tweak the code to do whatever he wanted, if it was important to Him. Or he could just let it work itself out as a product of his design.
All circles are flat though, sphere is what they should've said if they were talking about a globe.
I agree the FE maps are fascinating to look at. What about the sun gets you confused on the Flat Earth?
That huge looking sun is interesting, I haven't ever seen it that big before but I think I've seen it bigger than normal sometimes.
Using the Bible as a scientific tool is beyond absurd. The Bible is here to help us, humans, understand God's law and sacrifice, not to understand God's creations.
Do you think the entire universe was created in true 6 Earth-days? What about all the carbon dating that tells us some stuff are millions or billions or years old, you think that's God tricking us and trying to make us believe something wrong? No, that doesn't add up, cause God can't lie, so he wouldn't make something purely to trick us into the wrong direction.
If the Earth is flat, why would they say circles anyway, among any other shape possible? Why not square? Ellipsis? Any form of any polygon ever? Why just say "circle"? In ancient times, where a word like "Sphere" may not exist because it's "too mathematical" for the time (exactly how terms like "factorial" or "root" didn't exist at the time), circle would be a decent way to describe the Earth if it was actually spherical.
"the horizon would constantly drop as you ascended" That implies 2 different things:
Either the Earth is finite, and thus, you should be able to see the entire Earth at once. But if it says "you only see the horizon no matter how far you go", that means you don't see the entire Earth, or else there would be no more horizon. Thus, this argument is completely wrong.
Either the Earth is infinite, which raises many many other questions and is completely incoherent with anything we've observed so far.
I'm open to ideas that the Earth may be something else that what we've been told, but so far, all the flat-Earthers arguments fall short very quickly. If you want to prove me it's flat, use actual mathematical tools like holonomy. I'll wait until then.
Do you think a God that created the entirity of the universe couldn't create the earth and everything in it within 6 days? Are you an authority of what constituted a day back then? What if time was much slower back then? Or the processes He employed were supercharged in some manner? I don't understand why someone would accept the idea of an all-powerful Creator God (creator of life, the universe and everything), but think He couldn't do it all in an instant if He wanted to.
I never said He couldn't. God lives outside time itself, so the whole "6 days" to Him is absolutely meaningless to begin with. He could make an infinite amount of universes before a photon even makes a single movement.
I'm not critizing the idea that God could create a world in 6 days, what I'm critizing is people thinking that, when everything in our world points to something different. If God created the world in 6 days, then why, in this very same universe, is carbon dating showing us some stuff are billions of years old? Why are stars billions of years old? Why are bones we find in the ground already millions of years old? Why would God create an universe in 6 days, but then make everything tell a lie to us to fool us at every corner? God is perfect, and He doesn't lie, so why would His very own creation lie to us?
I agree with that, but we should also accept we will be left in the dark in some topics. We can't handle all the truth on all subjects, not a single human can hold that much. I would rather get the truth on subject that matters to me directly (best example for now: the covid vaccines), rather than wasting my time on trying to debunk the Moon landing. Ok cool, the Moon landing was fake and I have the proof, now what? I know the top people are liars already, so it's not going to change much.