60 Minutes with the propaganda: Yeah mass extinction caused by man? Its the fucking jab get it...
🧠 These people are stupid!
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Well, the jab was created by men, so...
Mouth of the Cabal speaking.
How in the hell did people get so stupid ,, I mean I know how , but damn !
These stupid fkn dems are the biggest bunch of crybaby pussies on this earth. Everything is always bad.. ice is meltin, the bozone layers disappearing, were all gonna die, etc etc. blah blah blah. Nothing they say ever comes true but all their dumfk followers get right in line.. idiots. You are gonna die.. cuz ya shot a bunch of shit in yer arms dipshits..
LOL yeah
The Earth will go on with or without us until something big slams into it, or the sun fries it.
Genocide of “us” but not “them”, not mass extinction, as they plan to survive.
Yeah, they are well prepared with underground hideaways and seed banks to replant. They can kill off the food to kill us too.
Dont worry theres an anti-sixth-extinction vaccine that also protects against white supremacist climate change.
In the absence of fear, the pedo death cult lacks control. So they generate fear in any way they can.