Watch the rainbow brigade try to prove you can actually change your biological sex because their only way forward is through mor...
We've gone from "gender and sex are two different things" and "your sex doesn't determine your gender" to THIS in just a few short years:
No, it's lack of estrogen and progesterone. Progesterone stimulates the cells that being minerals into bone. Estrogen stimulates the ovaries to pop eggs, then progesterone is made where the egg popped. Testosterone also brings minerals into bones. Here's a kicker, estrogen protects the brain against dementia.
No Quarter.
They are STILL actively trying to kill you, either by pride, ignorance or intentional does not matter.
"Buh- but GeNdEr AnD sEx ArE dIfFeReNt. YoU cAn ChAnGe GeNdErS, NoT sEx"