Downvotes incoming I’m sure, but I agree with you to a degree. He had around 5-6 videos that were so fascinating when he initially “broke the code” that Q posts aligned with the LoW manual. Seriously top notch. But the last 2 I’ve seen where it’s related to comic books….just way too bizarre for me. I just don’t see the connection and it’s very Qanon-ish. I’m also willing to hear all sides and admit when I’m wrong. So I’m not totally dissing him. Like you said in another reply, I’m going to live my life and not speculate. Cheers fren
If you look at his videos about MJ12, then him referencing Comic books and movies will make sense. They are what we call disclosures. Where the powers at be disclose information in media to prepare us for what could happen. You already know that the Cabal uses media to signal other Cabal members, and how the use media with secret messaging. Basically it's the same thing but it's for us. Sorry if my explanation isn't good enough.
Stargate SG-1 is thought to be one of the disclosures, for example. V for Vendetta is another. The series 7 decode went into a lot of detail about that comic and movie... it was very enlightening.
I did not know that Resident Evil and Sandman were also disclosures - I will have to check into them a bit more.
Downvotes incoming I’m sure, but I agree with you to a degree. He had around 5-6 videos that were so fascinating when he initially “broke the code” that Q posts aligned with the LoW manual. Seriously top notch. But the last 2 I’ve seen where it’s related to comic books….just way too bizarre for me. I just don’t see the connection and it’s very Qanon-ish. I’m also willing to hear all sides and admit when I’m wrong. So I’m not totally dissing him. Like you said in another reply, I’m going to live my life and not speculate. Cheers fren
If you look at his videos about MJ12, then him referencing Comic books and movies will make sense. They are what we call disclosures. Where the powers at be disclose information in media to prepare us for what could happen. You already know that the Cabal uses media to signal other Cabal members, and how the use media with secret messaging. Basically it's the same thing but it's for us. Sorry if my explanation isn't good enough.
Don’t forget the Matrix.
Stargate SG-1 is thought to be one of the disclosures, for example. V for Vendetta is another. The series 7 decode went into a lot of detail about that comic and movie... it was very enlightening.
I did not know that Resident Evil and Sandman were also disclosures - I will have to check into them a bit more.
Yeah, look into the real Umbrella Corporation for starters, RE early series fan here, blew me away there is a real life counterpart.
IIRC, DoD is recognized in ending credits of each SG1 episode. Not a fan of show, but very aware of the disclosure show presents.
Q mentions Alice and Wonderland. Are you aware what Lewis Carol was involved in??
Maybe that Netflix show Utopia was more true than we thought.
Not familiar, but will look it up tonight
I remember in one of his videos (can't remember which) in order to make some mirrored 8 thing fit he resorted to using a mah jong tile.
Also, he believes in 'the Galactic Federation'.
Cleary a smart dude but even smart dudes can be naive. And sloppy.
The Galactic Federation is real from what I can see. I thought that was common knowledge by now. I had to go outside of GA to find out though.