posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +21 / -1

In the previous 3 installments we learned that nobody has ever found a virus in the real world, that nobody has ever scientifically demonstrated that a contagious "pathogen" (germ) has ever been spread from a sick to healthy person, and what the causes of the following so-called "viral dis-eases" really are, including; the common cold -> Stink Conflict; Influenza/Flu -> Stink Conflict +/- Scare-Fright-Worry-Concern Conflict; Bronchitis/Laryngitis -> Scare-Fright-Worry-Concern Conflict; Pneumonia (bacterial) -> Intense Scare Conflict + Abandonment/Existence/Hospitalization Conflict; Chicken Pox -> Severe/Intense Separation Conflict (from mother primarily); Measles -> Moderate Separation Conflict; Rubella (German Measles) -> Mild Separation Conflict; Mumps -> “Not being able/allowed to eat” Conflict; HIV (AIDS) -> 100% poisoning; Polio -> Poisoning (DDT & Lead-Arsenate pesticide) and Self-Devaluation Conflict

This week we only have room to cover two unicorn viruses as both of these scamdemics require lengthy explanation to get to the bottom of. The sheer number of lies, deceptions, half-truths and theories about each is immense. We'll do our best to dispel the myths and get down to the brass tacks of both "The Spanish Flu" scamdemic as well as the many alleged smallpox scamdemics. So here goes...

Next up is the absurdly named “Spanish Flu” following WWI. The Spanish remained neutral and neither fought in WWI, nor did the Spanish people suffer from this so-called scamdemic. It only primarily affected the people of the countries who fought in WWI, and specifically the “fighting age men (18-49). Furthermore, the unicorn virus was (and technically still is) a theoretical boogeyman construct in 1918 as the electron microscope had not yet been invented, and therefore nobody could see, let alone find an alleged influenza unicorn virus.

For those of you aware of Anthony Fauci’s statement about the “Spanish Flu”, he is on record stating that post-mortem autopsies indicated that most of the people in this period ACTUALLY died of “bacterial pneumonia”. Which is partially true, but quite interesting that he would make such a statement about the allegedly deadly unicorn virus that is the officially endorsed narrative causal factor to this day.

Regarding the Spanish Flu, we have two (or three) causes. But first, let’s eliminate some of the more common alternative arguments. First are the vaccinations given to new servicemen preparing to ship out. While clearly these were some highly poisonous nostrums that were given, the damage would have been done in the immediate as one can find many stories of perfectly healthy men becoming violently ill shortly after receiving these jabs. It makes no sense that they would ship off overseas, fight for 2+ years in the trenches, then come home and all suddenly fall deathly ill when finally safe from harm's way. Did those vaccinations kill some of the servicemen on the spot or shortly thereafter? Almost certainly. But this clearly isn’t our culprit for the 1918-19 scamdemic that followed years later.

Next up is Bayer’s newly formulated aspirin (1899). Some argue that the formula was not yet perfected and that the dosage was way too high in this period. That may be so, but this doesn’t explain the massive death rates following the war either. Unusual numbers of people should have been dying from this “mysterious aspirin-induced disease” prior to, and most especially DURING the war, not just after it. But no such evidence exists to support this argument.

And finally we have the radar or electromagnetic frequency argument. This too relies on the notion that a brand new potential irritant/culprit was being deployed during the war by both sides and that they had not yet perfected the tuning levels of the radar and electromagnetic equipment used during the war most especially. Once again, we should see similar death rates DURING WWI most especially when and where all this new military equipment was deployed, not after the fighting had ceased and everyone was safely home.

These are all interesting theories, but none square with the facts. First off we are told that the majority of deaths occurred with fighting-age men (18-49) who likely were involved in battle. We are also told that the US death rate for servicemen was that half of all recorded deaths were attributed to the Spanish Flu. The pattern of morbidity for all other known unicorn viruses then and now has typically been that it affects children and the elderly the most, but not in this case. And yet we are also told that this Spanish flu unicorn virus had little effect on children. How curious! Yet another unicorn that can distinguish between age groups?

It’s worth mentioning that much like today’s scamdemic, doctors were knowingly marking any and all deaths as “Spanish Flu” if there was even a hint of a possibility, much like dying “with” Covid, rather than “of” Covid (even though the SARS-COV2 unicorn doesn't exist.

Here is another explanation for the Spanish Flu scamdemic. When a person experiences a “death-fright conflict”, the psyche immediately begins a biological program to increase oxygen uptake in the lungs. The psyche has no concept of “time” and its role is to keep the individual alive at all costs. Seeing as how the quickest way to die is lack of oxygen, it would then make perfect sense that the psyche would register an individual's fear of imminent death with a lack of oxygen. And who would be the most likely people to suffer multiple, daily, even hourly “death-fright conflicts”? Why “fighting-age” men of course, as they were literally in fear for their lives for weeks, months even years on end while in the trenches. These are lengthy “conflict shocks” that will one day result in lengthy restoration phases, aka “dis-eases”.

During the death-fright conflict the psyche generates excess lung alveoli to ensure the individual is receiving enough oxygen. This process continues and runs unabated for as long as the death-fright conflict is active. Over long periods of time, this results in what we today call “lung cancer”. The most common “secondary cancer” there is. And this is why people rarely die of their “primary cancer” diagnosis. It is because they get a new “Diagnosis Conflict Shock” (Death-Fright) from their oncologist!!!! Metastasis is yet another lie. If it were true, the Red Cross would screen all blood donations for cancer cells!!!

Also during this death-fright conflict process, the psyche generates a precise and correlating number of tuberculous mycobacteria. Yes, your body creates bacteria! These mycobacteria remain inactive and dormant during the entire “conflict active” stage of the dis-ease process and are only activated to perform their role which is removal of the excess lung tissue after the conflict is resolved.

Some of you may be aware of a most peculiar diagnosis that was frequently made in the early half of the 20th century known as “latent tuberculosis”. Doctors would find these dormant tuberculosis mycobacteria in the lungs, kidneys and livers of patients but had no explanation for why they weren’t active. This anomaly remains to this day although it’s rarely discussed in medical circles as the dominant diagnosis today is “lung cancer” in the west. A diagnosis that strikes fear in the hearts of those who receive it - a DIAGNOSIS CONFLICT SHOCK!!! - one of the deadliest there is.

Latent TB is not an “infection” in any way!! It’s a brilliant strategy our psyche and body has developed over many millennia to survive when severely frozen in abject fear and terror. As people in deep fear instinctively shift into extremely shallow breathing to “remain still”, this survival program ensures even in these instances enough oxygen is being delivered to the body.

So now imagine having a death-fright conflict for the duration of one’s deployment in war. When would relief from this conflict finally arrive for these soldiers? In the great majority of cases, it was not until after they safely arrived back home again. And this is when we see the “Spanish Flu outbreak” occur in earnest.

Now that the soldiers are back home and safe, the once latent mycobacteria are finally activated to remove the excess lung alveoli tissue they are programmed to devour. Bloody sputum and mucous begin to appear in their noses, mouths and throats and a new wave of terror begins for everybody, not just fighting-aged men now. A deadly, invisible unicorn dis-ease is on the loose!

This then generates a massive wave of scare-fright conflicts for everyone, including the fighting-age men. And now the bronchial tubes are undergoing cell necrosis for all who are in terror and this further complicates the situation for the fighting-age men as well.

Now these fighting-aged men are extremely vulnerable as they are between the restoration phase of their death-fright conflicts and active phase of their scare-fright conflicts. And all others who entertain this fear are now susceptible to being hospitalized in the vastly overcrowded and understaffed sanatoriums of this era. Hence, we now add into the mix the deadly “abandonment/existence/hospitalization” conflict for everybody. As mentioned above, this combination now leads to pneumonia in an era before the appearance of anti-biotics. And this too should now ring a bell from Fauci’s off-the-cuff comments about “most people dying of bacterial pneumonia during the Spanish Flu”. For once, and only once, he was being honest.

For the poor and destitute fighting-aged men, surviving the lengthy restoration period (which matches the conflict active period) of 1-2 years became too much as the tuberculosis mycobacteria depends heavily on protein intake. The poorest men of this era got very little protein in their diets and suffered death the most during this time as their bodies quickly weakened and wasted away.

Those of you astute enough to wonder about why these events did not unfold following WWII is largely due to the greatly improved quality of life and more protein-rich diets available in the mid-1940s, along with the introduction of antibiotics which stifled both the tuberculosis bacteria from completing their removal tasks as well as the pneumonia bacteria, although there were far fewer instances of scare-frights due to the absence of a proliferating “scamdemic” scare.

What followed for the WWII soldiers who unquestionably suffered death-frights during their time in battle were a huge increase in the number of “lung cysts” and “benign lung tumors” because the tuberculosis mycobacteria weren't able to remove the excess lung alveoli, having been killed off by the anti-biotics. This resulted in both weakened lung performance as well as numerous unnecessary tumor and cyst removal surgeries for these soldiers of the WWII era.

These explanations fit all the available data and facts provided for the great “Spanish Flu” scamdemic, unlike the mainstream and alternative explanations which clearly do not.

Next up we have smallpox. An explanation wouldn’t be complete without mentioning one “Edward Jenner”, inventor of the “vaccination” (vacca is Latin for “cow”). His methods, both crude and unscientific led him to surmise that his milkmaids soft and supple hands were the result of being protected from “the pox” due to their handling of cows that had “cowpox”. And thus he formulated our first “Cow-cines” with the pus taken from the rashes and pox from cows in his barn, liberally injecting his own children as the first experimental guinea pigs with this lovely nostrum.

The British medical society, surprisingly impressed with Jenner’s line-of-thinking generously gave him 150,000 pounds, a LARGE FORTUNE at that time, to provide this new nostrum for all the children throughout Europe and the Americas, without a single, rigorous, scientific study ever being performed before or after this generous endowment. Madness!!!

Virtually any and all information one can find about smallpox today from all mainstream sources is 100% lies, deceptions and ludicrous nonsense. Since when have we seen people dying of skin rashes in recent history? The answer is of course, effectively never. Using simple, rational logic we can all deduce that neither adults nor children die from skin rashes/pox/pustules. The assertion that they do is utterly absurd.

How then can we explain these alleged “deadly outbreaks” in this 1850-1920 period? The Leicester England smallpox data of 1877 is our best resource and evidence. In short, the medical authorities of this London suburb decided to NOT vaccinate healthy children with the popular smallpox nostrum and saw a significant and dramatic drop in both smallpox “infections” as well as child mortality rates while neighboring areas of London had their usual alarming outbreaks at the same time. A new unicorn skill, distinguishing between arbitrary geographical city boundaries!!

What conclusions can be drawn? No children were dying of separation-induced skin rash conflicts then, as they are not now. These children were being poisoned with and by the smallpox vaccine. This is the simplest and most logical explanation.

And what about the early settlers of America killing off the Native Americans with smallpox “infected” blankets? This is an invented story to divert blame away from the likely slaughtering of the Native Americans in battles as well as their apparent and unusual susceptibility to becoming alcoholics and wasting away. If this were a true story then there would be dozens, perhaps hundreds of scientific papers available today demonstrating how Koch’s Postulates of dis-ease transmission were satisfied and proven via this method of blanket-sharing “infection”. But instead, we have not a single scientific paper in existence today demonstrating the transmission of any infectious unicorn virus or bacteria. Thus, the only rational conclusion that can be drawn is that this story of the “infected blankets” is yet another lie in a sea of lies.

And the “infected blanket” story is quite possibly derived from many stories about some fur traders traveling up and down the Colorado river in the 1830s. As legend has it, death followed in their wake as they moved from region to region. As it turns out, these fur traders used copious amounts of arsenic to treat and tan the hides of the creatures they slaughtered along their journey. They hired many of the loca peoples, including Native Americans, to assist them with their arsenic-laden tanning processes. One can only imagine these innocent people using and handling the arsenic and what that would have done to their skin and bodies. The tales of this fur trading expedition could quite likely be the origin of the “smallpox infected blankets” although we’ll never know for sure.

Next installment: rabies, bubonic plague, Covid.

The Antivirus League