posted ago by ashlanddog ago by ashlanddog +30 / -0

...over the course of the past 2 years, it has been brought to my attention that we am only presenting one side of the argument when it comes to the "cause and effect" of the "Covid Situation"...

...so in respect to free speech and an open forum to all ideas, Unleashed has opened its platform to this discussion....

...do not take this as an endorsement from Unleashed on the validity of the material presented...

...Unleashed is simply a conduit to allow these ideas to reach awareness...

...of course, all comments will be welcomed....

...just remember to be happy pups and play nicely in the doggy park...

...now on with the show....

In installment one we learned that nobody has ever seen or found a unicorn virus in the real world. Because the virologist pseudoscientists tell us that unicorns are "too hard to find" and that there's "not enough in the sample", they are forced to manufacture unicorns which are nothing but electron microscope pictures of monkey kidneys (vero) or computer assembled human RNA fragments.

This not being enough to convince the majority of folks, in installment two we covered the "well then if isn't a virus, what causes ______" problem and covered the Common Cold -> Stink Conflict, Influenza/Flu -> Stink Conflict +/- Scare-Fright-Worry-Concern Conflict, Bronchitis/Laryngitis -> Scare-Fright-Worry-Concern Conflict, Pneumonia (bacterial) -> Intense Scare Conflict + Abandonment/Existence/Hospitalization Conflict, Chicken Pox -> Severe/Intense Separation Conflict (from mother primarily)

In this weeks installment from the anti-virus league, we touch on the following 5 unicorn-viral illnesses and their cause. Briefly:

Measles -> Moderate Separation Conflict Rubella (German Measles) -> Mild Separation Conflict Mumps -> “Not being able/allowed to eat” Conflict HIV (AIDS) -> 100% poisoning Polio -> Poisoning (DDT & Lead-Arsenate pesticide) and Self-Devaluation Conflict Antibodies -> Different forms of globulins

Measles and Rubella (German Measles) are milder and slightly different expressions of separation conflicts that don’t run as deep into the epidermis as chicken pox, hence the different appearance of “red/white spots” instead of “bumps/pox”. The lymph nodes are often activated in these types of childhood conflicts. There is literally no evidence of measles or rubella being “contagious” despite the establishment cabal saying so. However, it is possible that quarantining kids in a family with a sibling that has measles can lead these kids to have their own separation conflict from not being allowed to go to school and/or play with their friends for a week or two.

Onward to mumps which is caused by a “not being allowed to” or “not being able to” eat something they want. As you might imagine, this is most likely to afflict a child who does not or cannot understand why their parents won’t allow them to eat a treat, sweet, desert etc. And this explains why it’s typically only kids who get mumps, although occasionally adults do as well. The psyche registers this “not being ABLE to eat” something as a limitation of the amount of saliva and goes about widening, through cell necrotization, the salivary gland ducts to generate more saliva to help the child with being able to eat the food they want. When the conflict is finally resolved, it is the restoration phase of the dis-ease process in which the “mump/lump” appears below and around the jawline as the salivary glands become inflamed while the psyche rebuilds the salivary gland tissue back to its normal state.

Next we'll jump to HIV/AIDS. A complete and utter sham and quite a disheartening story to tell. The original SF Bay area doctors who saw and treated the first people presenting with these unusual symptoms had it nailed within the first 3-months. The dis-ease presenting was “Kaposi's sarcoma” with all patients. A dis-ease documented many decades earlier. How and why this simple diagnosis got turned into what it did is beyond imagination. Sinister to say the very least.

The initial “AIDS” patients had several things in common: First, they were all homosexual men. Second, they were living what was called “The fastrack gay lifestyle” which consisted of dozens of random sexual partners on a weekly basis, illicit intravenous drug use, lack of adequate sleep and a horrible diet, not to mention their spiritually debased and debauched behavior. And there was one more notable commonality. A new “drug” had hit the homosexual scene in 1980 commonly called “Poppers” or “Rush”. Poppers were all the rage as all the homosexual men were snorting them dozens if not hundreds of times a night in the gay bars prior to, during and after sexual encounters. These poppers are a class of a highly toxic chemical called “amyl-nitrates” which are used sparingly to help people reduce the pain of angina attacks as they are a vasodilator. But when abused, as was the case with the “fastrack gay lifestyle”, they became poisons.

To put it mildly, these first patients of what was originally named GRID (Gay-Related Immuno Deficiency), were simply poisoning themselves. This is patently obvious!

GRID would eventually grow to encompass 5 different previously defined dis-eases, then 10, then 15 and would eventually grow to become “AIDS” which now includes over 30-diseases under this umbrella deception which are called “AIDS-defining illnesses” today. All of which are perfectly definable and explainable independently based on various conflict shocks.

Needless to say, many in the male homosexual community figured out these Poppers were bad news by the mid-1980s. But the damage was done by then as Fauci and the CDC had their claws in this thing now and were about to unleash a new scamdemic on the populace!

And just as today, a new “test” was developed that allegedly detected the presence of HIV unicorn antibodies!!! The first of its kind in fact!!! As nobody but the alleged founder of HIV, Robert Gallo, had been able to find this HIV “retro-unicorn” since his seminal effort which was so loudly pronounced by Margaret Heckler, Reagan's surgeon general on national TV. And this stands true even today. Nobody else other than the original discoverer, Gallo, and his first original research, has ever been able to find, let alone take an electron microscope picture of an HIV retro-unicorn to this very day! Is anybody here surprised?

In the history of virology up to this point, the PRESENCE of the so-called specific antibodies (which is a lie BTW), meant that you had “immunity” to the deadly unicorn. But when it came to this new deadly HIV unicorn, the presence of the alleged specific antibodies meant you HAD AIDS. To this day, not one rational explanation in the literature exists for this anomaly as HIV unicorn antibodies stand alone as indicative of “having the dis-ease” while the presence of all other unicorn antibodies indicate you’re “immune”. It makes absolutely no sense, as usual.

But what then was killing all these AIDS patients presuming they stopped the poppers and cut back on some of their illicit behaviors and habits? The answer is the highly lethal drug AZT. AZT was being tested by the FDA in the 1960s as an “anti-cancer” drug. However, AZT killed virtually everything in sight. It was a lethal poison to all the helpless lab rodents that met their untimely demise because of it. AZT was so lethal in fact that it was shelved and deemed never to be tested again in the late 1960s.

How and why Fauci and company decided to bring back AZT I’ll let the reader contemplate. I can only surmise it was because they clearly wanted to kill off these homosexuals. Nothing else makes sense. Suffice it to say, all those who went on the full course of AZT treatments in the mid-80s through 90s died. There are few if any exceptions. Freddie Mercury, Rock Hudson, Arthur Ashe, Liberace and a host of other notable celebrities. Notably, Magic Johnson never touched AZT. What a surprise, eh?

Some speculate and argue that the vaccines being delivered to poor African nations during this period of the AIDS scamdemic were laced with any number of fatal poisons. I don’t know enough about this to speculate but it seems like a reasonable hypothesis. I’m sure they were also given AZT as well.

Today, after taking a fraudulent HIV test, either PCR or antibody, a person diagnosed with AIDS gets medication which is a faint derivative of the original AZT dose, notably 1/1000th the strength of those first 10-15 years when so many “died of AIDS”. And this is why you almost never hear of anybody dying of AIDS for the past 20 years. It’s a sad, sad story.

Next up is polio. Early records in the 1900-1940 era are sketchy at best. However, a new pesticide was being used on crops in this period with the active ingredient being lead-arsenate (lead and arsenic). Needless to say, we all know today that these are both highly poisonous elements. This is the era that not only do we see the first so-called cases of poliomyelitis, but also encephalitis, meningoencephalitis and myelitis, most specifically in children. All of which can be related to brain and spinal injury, specifically during significant growth periods.

There was a significant drop-off of polio in the 1930s soon to be followed by another uptick in the 1940s-1950s. And this rise correlates perfectly to the introduction of a new crop insecticide, DDT. Most have heard of the horrors of this poison so I won’t add any more details.

What’s interesting to note about these two different poisons is that the scarring of the spinal cord is distinctly different between the children with polio who were exposed to lead-arsenate versus those exposed to DDT, demonstrating a difference in symptoms and paralysis types.

Here again with polio we have yet another “childhood unicorn virus” situation from the conventional narrative that defies explanation. How do these viruses know to attack only children and not adults? A far more rational explanation is that the paralysis caused by these poisons only affected individuals that were in growth stages primarily.

**Note - It is true that occasionally some adults were “diagnosed” with “polio” but as I’ll mention shortly, this “diagnosis trick” is one of the most common tactics of the establishment medical system. Paralysis is paralysis and there are many dis-ease names used today to describe it. Seeing as how the evidence of a polio unicorn virus has never been demonstrated.

And this is a good spot to talk about the mythical “immune system” which was first introduced in medical textbooks in 1972, a year after the AMA convinced the federal government to include “healthcare” as part of the annual federal GDP, which was scheduled and required to grow annually by 5% year over year. That was 50 years ago and look how many new dis-eases have been invented since that time!

This was done by hijacking the well-established “lymphatic system”, our waste and cell debris removal system, and the invention of new leprechauns like the “Killer T-Cell” which has no basis in reality and does not “attack” bacteria (or unicorns) but instead helps to remove decayed cell debris and any foreign materials introduced into our sterile systems.

And this then takes us to the “antibody” or “antigen”, more directly, to the “specific antibody/antigen” mythos. Much like the “Killer T-Cells”, the singular antibody/antigen is a type of globulin that performs two primary roles: One being debris-binding and removal. And Two, acting as a type of glue for decaying cells which is specifically recruited during a restoration phase of the dis-ease process to maintain cell integrity while intense cell breakdown and removal is underway by bacteria.

The idea that there are “specific antibodies/antigens” for specific unicorns is patently false and has never been demonstrated. The reality is, when someone is undergoing the disease restoration process (i.e. they feel sick) these globulin antibodies are active and prevalent within the body and are picked up by all the various antibody tests.

Depending on the type of restoration process, different FORMS/STAGES of these globulins are created and used by your body. And this is why there are different types of antibody (serology) tests available like the deceptively named “Immunoglobulin”” A,D,E,G,M tests. All they are doing is detecting these different globulin forms/stages. I put forth that if the doctor had no idea what dis-ease you were complaining about and ran you through the full battery of these serology tests, you would “test positive” for a wide variety of different dis-eases, not only the one you were actually experiencing.

Back to polio, all the establishment-endorsed charts and graphs deceptively indicating that it was the polio vaccine that wiped-out the dis-ease are easily debunked for two primary reasons. First and foremost was the elimination of using DDT on crops. It’s noteworthy that most of the children who came down with polio were diagnosed in the late summer months, August and September primarily. Because this is the harvest season when they would have been eating the freshly picked fruits and vegetables. And for those who recall this period, this is why children avoided swimming pools/holes in the summertime because it was believed that this was how the polio unicorn was spread at that time.

The second noteworthy reason is an age-old trick the establishment medical system has used for more than a century. And that is, redefining the same dis-ease something else. I noted the trick above for smallpox sometimes being called chicken pox if the child was vaccinated. Another smallpox renaming trick was to call the dis-ease “Pustular eczema” in the first half of the 20th century as well. And for polio, we have multiple examples of dis-ease redefinition which came into regular usage only a year or two after the mass polio vaccinations including things like multiple sclerosis, ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease), motor neuron disease, myelitis, Guillain Barre Syndrome, etc., all of which are the result of severe self-devaluation conflicts which is why we mainly see these today in adults, not children).

And one last note about polio. Many have speculated that it was the polio jabs themselves that would cause the childhood paralysis. This seems a plausible scenario but I have not seen any definitive evidence that this was the case.

That's all for this installment. Next week's installment will include the Spanish Flu, smallpox, tuberculosis and if there's enough space, rabies as well.

The Antivirus League....