I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with hypertension, so he gave me a prescription. I returned and it was high, so he doubled it. I returned a third time and it was still high, so he added a second medication.
Afterwards, I noticed some hair loss and looked up that sure enough, the second prescription causes hair loss!
After the entire Covid vaccine ordeal, I now realize that all doctors can do is prescribe shots, but not necessarily effective or healthy. Thus, I'm interested in looking for something different.
So I'm wondering if anyone has ever gone to a natural cure doctor for high blood pressure?
Carnivore diet and morning exercise. All your blood markers will improve. I guarantee it.
I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and oesteo. I came across Mikhalia Peterson’s testimony on her RA being cured by eating the carnivore. I was desperate as I realised 8 painkillers a day was not good. I cried with pain most days, felt trapped as my body was rapidly going down hill and my specialist just didn’t care. I’ve always been relatively sickness free, but I woke up one morning with it and couldn’t turn over in bed. I think it was coming on as climbing stairs were cruel, but I realise that was early signs. Mikhailia said something that made me realise my fate. She said. ‘I was dying’. And I was too dying a painful death. So many people confuse RA with arthritis. While it has similar pain in the joints, it’s much more. It attacks your organs, including heart and lungs etc. I take methotrexate weekly which is a form of chemo.
I have been on it 4 weeks today. I’m not sure what weight I have dropped, but it’s gone. Still pain in my knees, but more localised. I’m feeling better because while this is a controversial diet, it answers soooooo many questions about food we are told a good for us, but are really poison to our bodies. It’s easy as I’m down to 2 meals and being so simple, there is no huge shopping lists. Hubby has dropped weight and he’s now like an eveready bunny! I don’t expect my RA to clear up overnight, but so far I’m amazed at how simple and easy it is.
Look up "borax conspiracy" worked for me.
That was incredible! Thank you!! I’m getting some on pay day!
I’ve been staggered at what drs. are saying. Seek out the videos by
Mainly drs in the audience. https://youtu.be/N39o_DI5laI
I read that ivermectin cured/drastically improved arthritic conditions.
Illegal in Australia. It’s prescribed, but there is no way my specialist would prescribe that as there is so much controversy here about it.
Here in the U.S. we can get ivermectin from India. Doctors here still will not prescribe it, unless the patient was on it pre-Covid. There is also one place that will mail ivermectin within the U.S., it also comes from India, but the turn around time is quicker.
Do your cows use Ivermectin?
Agreed. Worked for me.