Hahaha … Shockingly Stupid. “I poisoned you out of Love, and you ‘anti-vaxers’ tried to save our lives out of hate.” That is one DUMB BEOTCH. Proof positive, the respect that accompanied the prefix “Dr.” Has been diluted by the rancid grog of woke academia.
I think there will be many more similar declarations. They know they made a stuuuuupid choice and are fucked. It's hard to admit to stupid when you are stupid.
Injecting your patients with experimental concoctions just so they can keep their job, while you recommend the shot to others with no proof of safety and efficacy.
Thanks. I didn't understand the pedo reference, but now I see you're talking about the type of toxic "love" offered by pedos and other abusers, which is clearly not love.
That is one of the most unbelievably stupid statements I have seen yet.
Hahaha … Shockingly Stupid. “I poisoned you out of Love, and you ‘anti-vaxers’ tried to save our lives out of hate.” That is one DUMB BEOTCH. Proof positive, the respect that accompanied the prefix “Dr.” Has been diluted by the rancid grog of woke academia.
Lol. The vaccines were created from hate, but I assaulted you with them with love
I think there will be many more similar declarations. They know they made a stuuuuupid choice and are fucked. It's hard to admit to stupid when you are stupid.
Narcissists are experts at coping skills.
Yep. And all the indoctrinated go...awwww she’s so sweet.
Case in point — why it is one of the seven deadly sins.
No, she's evil. She's talking about love as in the pedos "love is love."
Forced love is called rape!
Injecting your patients with experimental concoctions just so they can keep their job, while you recommend the shot to others with no proof of safety and efficacy.
What makes you say that?
She's clearly showing a grasp of the concept of the harm, and presents her "love" as a justification for the potential for death of those injected.
Not even caring if the injection was fully poison.
Thanks. I didn't understand the pedo reference, but now I see you're talking about the type of toxic "love" offered by pedos and other abusers, which is clearly not love.