The NFL players are 95% vaccinated. Nearly 100% of administration are vaxxed!
There is no other population that high to compare. So I guess we'll be watching it on live TV for the winter....?
Israel had the most problems with everybody and sickness with the highest society vaccination rate of 65%.
Nowhere near the NFL!
Google it!
"Nearly 95% of NFL players are vaccinated; nearly 100% of NFL personnel are vaccinated. With such a highly vaccinated population, the NFL environment is not comparable to anywhere else in society." Jan 13, 2022
This older source is 4/10 away from 95% in August. Now January it' reached 95%.
NFL com
Yes, from what I've heard, there was no clear protocol for getting vaccinated in the NFL. My anti-vax buddy lives next to several current NFL players and he asked about it.
I'm sure they offered them at the team facilities, and many partook in that, but they were also able to get vaxxed on their own. During the offseason, a lot of the younger ones without families go back home, or live in a different city to workout with their favorite trainer, etc