Why do our house pets and farm animals have regular anti parasite procedures and humans do not?
deworming humans used to be talked about more when i was a kid, used to be recommended that we use a deformer at least once every two years. Due to all the degeneracy and crazy cat ladies it's now recommended that humans use a deformer at least once a year.
If you have or are around cats you certainly should be taking the stuff.
Great point. Toxoplasmosis is widespread. Crazy cat lady is more than a meme.
I remember Family Guy had an episode centered around it and Simpsons has their recurring crazy cat lady character. Wouldnt surprise me if some government lab is working on something similar to placate humanity.
deworming humans used to be talked about more when i was a kid, used to be recommended that we use a deformer at least once every two years. Due to all the degeneracy and crazy cat ladies it's now recommended that humans use a deformer at least once a year.
If you have or are around cats you certainly should be taking the stuff.
Great point. Toxoplasmosis is widespread. Crazy cat lady is more than a meme.
I remember Family Guy had an episode centered around it and Simpsons has their recurring crazy cat lady character. Wouldnt surprise me if some government lab is working on something similar to placate humanity.