Can you see the plan?👹 These 🤡🤡 are stupid!!!
🏆 - WINNING - 🏆
It’s brilliant. That speech given by Jordan was a blow to Mcaurthy! They are laughing at the Rinos to their face and only a handful of congressmen know what is up. They played the entire Congress like a fiddle! This movie 🍿 requires lotsa popcorn! Dem loyalists are revealing themselves. D.c. is melting down! Blah ha ha 🔥🌶🤣😆 what a glorious time to be alive. MAGA!!!
I keep hearing they need Jordan for the investigations. It would take away to much of his time to be Speaker. WTH?
It didn't take up to much of Nasty Nancy's time to go after Trump 24/7/365. I am sure Jordan can handle the load if that old bitch could.
I agree. It’s the politics. He wants nothing to do with being blamed for everything. Plus he has to make a lot of enemies. They have contingency plans in place. Something is cooking and it’s exciting to watch. Trump said we would be “Happy!” Let’s see what happens?