The use of the hegelian dialectic to promote social reaction in no way means that the evidence used in the hegelian dialectic was false. In other words, just because this technique was used is in no way an argument against the existence of the SARS virus. You are here, imo, seeing real evidence and using it to come to an unrelated conclusion.
My investigations into these manipulations, both in the past and present has so far always led to real evidence (by real I mean supported and corroborated by all other evidence). This "real" evidence is used to support the steps in the dialectic as it moves forward through the social manipulation. Propaganda is almost always true as well (using the same criteria for "true" as for "real" previously). It is just never the whole truth. Because the whole truth is not ever used, the conclusions used from the "true" statements in the propaganda and/or dialectic are false. In other words, the falseness comes not from what is included, but from what is left out. From this the conclusions that we come to from insufficient data are also false.
For example, the number of reported covid deaths is a real piece of evidence. The number of actual covid deaths is almost certainly much less. What is left out is all the evidence of misdiagnosis. The lie is in not including how diagnosis of covid is determined. It is not including the "with" covid v. "from" covid data. Etc.
The only way to stop it happening again is to reveal the covid lie for fraud
I sort of agree, but it doesn't have to rely on the virus not existing. All that is necessary is to show the actual lies of omission.
The only REAL way to stop it from happening again has nothing to do with what the courts decide. You are giving all power to the courts and not recognizing where the real power lies. That is exactly what the Cabal wants you to do. That is the fraud. The real power lies with We The People. It is in the court of "public opinion" that it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It is We The People that must realize how easy it is to lie by omission. That is all that is required to solve this problem, and I assert the only way it can solve it "forever."
My investigations into these manipulations, both in the past and present has so far always led to real evidence
No it didn't, it led to experts in sufficient rank and quantity to convince you that they "couldn't" be tricked or convinced to work together to fuck us all over.
For example, the number of reported covid deaths is a real piece of evidence. The number of actual covid deaths is almost certainly much less. What is left out is all the evidence of misdiagnosis. The lie is in not including how diagnosis of covid is determined. It is not including the "with" covid v. "from" covid data. Etc.
But this over-reporting issue, plus the issue of mal-treatment (i.e., ventilators, remdesvir, transferring flu patients to nursing homes in anticipation of a covid wave that never materialized, etc.) more than accounts for the extra deaths pre-vaxx. There's no room for these issues AND a novel weaponized virus. It was no more deadly than the flu.
Further, these statistical tricks were enough to fool everyone, there was no need for a virus at all.
I sort of agree, but it doesn't have to rely on the virus not existing. All that is necessary is to show the actual lies of omission.
No because that leaves the door open for marburg or flesh eating disease or smallpox or whatever else, another ostensibly real threat, to be used as an excuse. Or more bunk science like climate change. Or an alien invasion.
Not only must covid itself be shown to be a fraud, but all this fake science used to keep us all living in fear must be debunked as well. It's a ticking time bomb.
The only REAL way to stop it from happening again has nothing to do with what the courts decide. You are giving all power to the courts and not recognizing where the real power lies. That is exactly what the Cabal wants you to do. That is the fraud. The real power lies with We The People. It is in the court of "public opinion" that it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It is We The People that must realize how easy it is to lie by omission. That is all that is required to solve this problem, and I assert the only way it can solve it "forever."
They invented all this science to wrest control away from the court of public opinion and place it in the hands of "experts." We're not capable of understanding the issues, they say. These same experts would look down their noses at the very people who (a) built our entire civilization and (b) were governed by themselves and not experts. The world is perfectly understandable by normal people without all their lies and fake science.
The use of the hegelian dialectic to promote social reaction in no way means that the evidence used in the hegelian dialectic was false. In other words, just because this technique was used is in no way an argument against the existence of the SARS virus. You are here, imo, seeing real evidence and using it to come to an unrelated conclusion.
My investigations into these manipulations, both in the past and present has so far always led to real evidence (by real I mean supported and corroborated by all other evidence). This "real" evidence is used to support the steps in the dialectic as it moves forward through the social manipulation. Propaganda is almost always true as well (using the same criteria for "true" as for "real" previously). It is just never the whole truth. Because the whole truth is not ever used, the conclusions used from the "true" statements in the propaganda and/or dialectic are false. In other words, the falseness comes not from what is included, but from what is left out. From this the conclusions that we come to from insufficient data are also false.
For example, the number of reported covid deaths is a real piece of evidence. The number of actual covid deaths is almost certainly much less. What is left out is all the evidence of misdiagnosis. The lie is in not including how diagnosis of covid is determined. It is not including the "with" covid v. "from" covid data. Etc.
I sort of agree, but it doesn't have to rely on the virus not existing. All that is necessary is to show the actual lies of omission.
The only REAL way to stop it from happening again has nothing to do with what the courts decide. You are giving all power to the courts and not recognizing where the real power lies. That is exactly what the Cabal wants you to do. That is the fraud. The real power lies with We The People. It is in the court of "public opinion" that it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. It is We The People that must realize how easy it is to lie by omission. That is all that is required to solve this problem, and I assert the only way it can solve it "forever."
No it didn't, it led to experts in sufficient rank and quantity to convince you that they "couldn't" be tricked or convinced to work together to fuck us all over.
But this over-reporting issue, plus the issue of mal-treatment (i.e., ventilators, remdesvir, transferring flu patients to nursing homes in anticipation of a covid wave that never materialized, etc.) more than accounts for the extra deaths pre-vaxx. There's no room for these issues AND a novel weaponized virus. It was no more deadly than the flu.
Further, these statistical tricks were enough to fool everyone, there was no need for a virus at all.
No because that leaves the door open for marburg or flesh eating disease or smallpox or whatever else, another ostensibly real threat, to be used as an excuse. Or more bunk science like climate change. Or an alien invasion.
Not only must covid itself be shown to be a fraud, but all this fake science used to keep us all living in fear must be debunked as well. It's a ticking time bomb.
They invented all this science to wrest control away from the court of public opinion and place it in the hands of "experts." We're not capable of understanding the issues, they say. These same experts would look down their noses at the very people who (a) built our entire civilization and (b) were governed by themselves and not experts. The world is perfectly understandable by normal people without all their lies and fake science.