Bills vs. Bengals. Player nearly dies. First time in NFL history a game was suspended due to an injury... a very unsual injury (to say the least). First time game just cancelled, despite the impact it would gave on playoff picture.
The final game of what week? 17... 17... I mean... 17? With all of the other chaos going on right now, this never before moment in America's most popular professional sport, happens in week 17. That number... coincidence? 🤔
Bengal could also be a comm for Taiwan. Much like the Rams and their uniforms in SuperBowl LVI... they won and shortly after Ukraine happened. Mostly the same colors. Rams winning meant Russia/Ukraine went first.
Coincidence? Just something I read and found interesting.
Nice. Was trying to think what symbolism could have been made with those teams. Bills are also bison, American buffalo. And they were losing at the time...