You are looking at it the wrong way. You expect the sheep to thank you for seeing things they could not see, long in advance. That will never happen... and it also does not matter.
Seeing things that others cannot or will not see for themselves often has advantages all its own. Knowing not to inject yourself with an experimental poison is one recent example. In other cases, it can also be an opportunity to earn money and/or other benefits.
Knowledge is power. We often have knowledge long before all the sheep. Learn to use that knowledge effectively to your own advantage.
You are looking at it the wrong way. You expect the sheep to thank you for seeing things they could not see, long in advance. That will never happen... and it also does not matter.
Seeing things that others cannot or will not see for themselves often has advantages all its own. Knowing not to inject yourself with an experimental poison is one recent example. In other cases, it can also be an opportunity to earn money and/or other benefits.
Knowledge is power. We often have knowledge long before all the sheep. Learn to use that knowledge effectively to your own advantage.