Oops! Listen closely - You can hear her earpiece... picked up on the LiveStream.
Who is REALLY in charge here?? Who is feeding her lines at the podium??
🧠 These people are stupid!
This happened throughout the entire voting process. I thought it was because she was new to the game / a fill-in of some sort and the person advising her (seemed to be a man to her right) was doing it according to the rules to have the proceedings stay in legal territory.
HAH! So I would assume everyone heard it. Wat a maroon.
So why don't they just put a mannequin up there and the real people in charge can just mouth the words. Why elect these people :D
Wondering whether you witnessed the apparent prompting yourself live, since I wasn't watching any of the proceedings, and as a video posted to Twitter, it's easily faked with the simplest video-editing software; i.e., I could listen to something, then record myself afterwards, overdubbing my voice to sound as if I'm feeding the person their lines.
I watched most of the voting as it happened, and the man to her left told her what to say when decisions needed to be made, e.g., to adjourn, to vote, to tally votes, etc. Seemed like he was walking her through the process. I did think it was strange to have someone unfamiliar with the process doing the proceedings...why didn't the man prompting her just do it himself?
I watched live feeds on FOX and CSPAN, the latter more of the time avoid interruption in the coverage by idiot commentators. All feeds had the voice clealry audible. No dubbing.
Yed I heard it live. There is plenty of video at rsbn or even cspan