Oops! Listen closely - You can hear her earpiece... picked up on the LiveStream.
Who is REALLY in charge here?? Who is feeding her lines at the podium??
🧠 These people are stupid!
I was wondering how we know if this was voiced over after the fact or honestly and truly happened like that real time. From your statement here— it seems that it was truly this way? Unless I’m misunderstanding....
Yes, at least since the diversity hire took over the gavel and count.
Pardon my ignorance, but who is she?
Posted a question about who she is... Just ignore it, I looked it up.
He was crouching in the podium getting cramps.
Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! You made my day!!!!
Go watch recordings on CSPAN. I heard this life and thought it was someone sitting behind her.
Good idea- I’m wondering why this never occurred to me..... !!