One thing I've heard on the Irish patriot channels, is that the one psyop tactic used on nearly all western Europe (the old colonial powers) and the US about white privilege will not work in Ireland.
Ireland was not a colonial power and the Irish were not slave holders.
(I am counting out any first millennium warfare the Irish may have waged on what is now England and any taking of British slaves at that time; counting out diaspora Irish who were successful landholders and owners of slaves; counting out Irish who served in the British military, as they were generally low-ranking pawns.)
One thing I've heard on the Irish patriot channels, is that the one psyop tactic used on nearly all western Europe (the old colonial powers) and the US about white privilege will not work in Ireland.
Ireland was not a colonial power and the Irish were not slave holders.
(I am counting out any first millennium warfare the Irish may have waged on what is now England and any taking of British slaves at that time; counting out diaspora Irish who were successful landholders and owners of slaves; counting out Irish who served in the British military, as they were generally low-ranking pawns.)