It's interesting because my 19yo son is VERY anti-Trump, and the bump stock ban is the primary reason. I keep telling him "5D chess", but he's too immature to look past "shall not be infringed".
A few of friends felt the same way. They just couldn't see the long game.
They just didn't see the path of how banning something stupid like bump stocks (which none of us even had) could lead to an entire collapse of unlawful actions by government agencies. And I believe that what this could lead to.
As much as I hate any new regulation at the time I didn't even know what bump stocks were and after reading into it they felt like a sacrificial lamb to appease the gun grabbers for a bit.
So, it being a "small thing" that "no one really used" is just the sort of tactic they love to probe with.
The deep state is exceedingly good at the slow boil method and that's why we shouldn't be yielding even a millimeter because they'll take the nearest interstate's length.
I was thinking the same thing...
It's interesting because my 19yo son is VERY anti-Trump, and the bump stock ban is the primary reason. I keep telling him "5D chess", but he's too immature to look past "shall not be infringed".
A few of friends felt the same way. They just couldn't see the long game.
They just didn't see the path of how banning something stupid like bump stocks (which none of us even had) could lead to an entire collapse of unlawful actions by government agencies. And I believe that what this could lead to.
As much as I hate any new regulation at the time I didn't even know what bump stocks were and after reading into it they felt like a sacrificial lamb to appease the gun grabbers for a bit.
So, it being a "small thing" that "no one really used" is just the sort of tactic they love to probe with.
The deep state is exceedingly good at the slow boil method and that's why we shouldn't be yielding even a millimeter because they'll take the nearest interstate's length.
They wanted to ban every piece of equipment/gun type and usher in a metal detector surveillance state all at the same time.
Trump did good by throwing them the stupid bumpstock ban which shills love to harp on.
Stupid bumpstock could be made w a block of wood or a belt loop from what I’ve been told.