There is another plan in play and the plan is playing out in plain site. The plan will only work with all Americans pulling together.
Here it is.
Trump is concerned with the following and is anxious to move the nation forward against the globalists.
Who will be the next president? Donald J. Trump will move into the White House within the 2022 year. The current occupant will be stripped of the presidency. The Dominion voting fraud will be exposed to the entire world. News of the voting fraud will come from California then the nation will be shown the extent of the fraud.
Dominion Voting Machines at work December 15, 2020 in Sacramento, County, CA.Will both houses of the congress go “conservative”? YES! California election fraud will be exposed. That means the 55 electoral votes from California will be decertified. This will cause all 53 members of the House of Representatives from California to default their seats. Forty three of the seats are Democratic which will cause Democrats to be a minority. In fact when all is said and done following California’s decertification their maybe only 75 to 100 members of House of Representatives 80 Senators left in the Senate.
Excerpt from blog
There is another plan in play and the plan is playing out in plain site. The plan will only work with all Americans pulling together. Here it is.
Trump is concerned with the following and is anxious to move the nation forward against the globalists. Who will be the next president? Donald J. Trump will move into the White House within the 2022 year. The current occupant will be stripped of the presidency. The Dominion voting fraud will be exposed to the entire world. News of the voting fraud will come from California then the nation will be shown the extent of the fraud.
Dominion Voting Machines at work December 15, 2020 in Sacramento, County, CA.Will both houses of the congress go “conservative”? YES! California election fraud will be exposed. That means the 55 electoral votes from California will be decertified. This will cause all 53 members of the House of Representatives from California to default their seats. Forty three of the seats are Democratic which will cause Democrats to be a minority. In fact when all is said and done following California’s decertification their maybe only 75 to 100 members of House of Representatives 80 Senators left in the Senate.
"Donald J. Trump will move into the White House within the 2022 year.”
Ok, cue up next bullshit hopium theory.......
If it does happen in '23 then would you say it's bullshit?
And what do you suggest is the pathway for that to happen? Elect Trump to Speaker? Scratch that. Sue someone for election fraud? Scratch that....
New California State website ~
Thier new site:
The “Other” is the attorney for a third party trying to file an amicus brief.