The enemy may want that Ian, but will they get it? Christians don’t roll over for anyone. We have a God, a Father who stands up for us. Vengeance is His. Don’t expect His blessings and protection of you venture out on your own. He still loves you of course. To be a Christian is not a easy path. It will take strength and faith to follow. And together we can ask and pray for such. 👍❤️🙏
I come from a time when being a Christian was a humble thing and a personal thing not to be broadcasted to all. You would have no idea of my relationship with Jesus because it's not something I talk about publicly.
Understand that is wrong. There is nothing wrong with quiet time with the Father and the Son, of course. But there is a time to show your faith. Jesus advocates for you right now. As Christians, it’s a commandment to spread the good news of Jesus and to show you faith from the mountaintops.
I say this because, there was never a time, that Christians should be humbled in their silence of Christ. That very reason I, myself, stayed as lost as I’ve been for all my life. This included my parents and my wife. I don’t blame them, but their silence and nothing in the open about their relationship with Jesus only help Satan keep his hold of me. We are to show our faith. So that others can see how good salvation is. How good Jesus is. What we are misssing in our lives. All these people in my life, apparently, are Christians…..and you could’ve fooled me. Because when I finally jumped with both feet into the arms of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Got saved, got baptized. All the sudden everyone else we’re practicing Christians….uh amazing. Or are they? I get weekly teachings now that say otherwise. And m not saying they are bound for Hell, of course not. No they have a relationship with Christ. It just silent….amazingly silent. And helps no one but themselves.
We Christians have a job to do. And silence isn’t apart of that job.
I was actually thinking about what I said and wanted to add…I can do better. Much better I’m sure of it. As in advocating for Jesus. Sharing the gospel. I need to keep trying more. Only by the Grace of God, His hand, that I was saved. Thank you Lord. Forever in your debt.
Your response is typical. But understandable. Many call themselves Christians, but follow the Word of God as little as humanly possibly. Most barely know it. I myself am still learning. We can do better brother. You just have to keep trying.
It’s all for Him. His glory. The only fight that matters.
The enemy may want that Ian, but will they get it? Christians don’t roll over for anyone. We have a God, a Father who stands up for us. Vengeance is His. Don’t expect His blessings and protection of you venture out on your own. He still loves you of course. To be a Christian is not a easy path. It will take strength and faith to follow. And together we can ask and pray for such. 👍❤️🙏
I come from a time when being a Christian was a humble thing and a personal thing not to be broadcasted to all. You would have no idea of my relationship with Jesus because it's not something I talk about publicly.
Understand that is wrong. There is nothing wrong with quiet time with the Father and the Son, of course. But there is a time to show your faith. Jesus advocates for you right now. As Christians, it’s a commandment to spread the good news of Jesus and to show you faith from the mountaintops.
I say this because, there was never a time, that Christians should be humbled in their silence of Christ. That very reason I, myself, stayed as lost as I’ve been for all my life. This included my parents and my wife. I don’t blame them, but their silence and nothing in the open about their relationship with Jesus only help Satan keep his hold of me. We are to show our faith. So that others can see how good salvation is. How good Jesus is. What we are misssing in our lives. All these people in my life, apparently, are Christians…..and you could’ve fooled me. Because when I finally jumped with both feet into the arms of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Got saved, got baptized. All the sudden everyone else we’re practicing Christians….uh amazing. Or are they? I get weekly teachings now that say otherwise. And m not saying they are bound for Hell, of course not. No they have a relationship with Christ. It just silent….amazingly silent. And helps no one but themselves.
We Christians have a job to do. And silence isn’t apart of that job.
Oh look, it's Joel Osteen.
I was actually thinking about what I said and wanted to add…I can do better. Much better I’m sure of it. As in advocating for Jesus. Sharing the gospel. I need to keep trying more. Only by the Grace of God, His hand, that I was saved. Thank you Lord. Forever in your debt.
Your response is typical. But understandable. Many call themselves Christians, but follow the Word of God as little as humanly possibly. Most barely know it. I myself am still learning. We can do better brother. You just have to keep trying.
It’s all for Him. His glory. The only fight that matters.