For months I’ve been reading posts and articles about Dandelion and it’s health benefits. Here is one example of what I’ve observed over the course of the past (and my first) week of taking dandelion whole plant extract:
I wear a smart watch at times to monitor myself and find trends. My spO2 (oxygen) reading is essentially an average of a range throughout the day. My typical average is 95%. My range has been anywhere from 92-97%.
After a week of taking dandelion whole plant extract my avg is now 97% with my range being 95-99. Never, in the 3 years of wearing the watch, have I seen those numbers. I feel fantastic. While I always leave a caveat that I can’t be 100% sure, the ONlY change is the dandelion.
That's really interesting! I made myself quite a lot of dandelion tea in a cafetiere last year with flowers from the garden, maybe I'll try again this year. I heard that dandelion is one of the things which helps de-tox spike proteins.
The great thing about dandelions is they are easy to find and identify.