When Gaetz says, "like adults" I somehow get the impression that in his heart he doesn't qujite include himself in that category.
I think it takes a large amount of credulity not to recognize that Kevin McCarthy is a snake dressed up to look like a squirrel. He is a weak man with vain ambitions and he can only be trusted to be what he is. He hasn't and won't change. He is fully compromised. That is, he is being guided by the globalists in everything he does. He will give a few inches and then derail the whole MAGA agenda at his first opportunity under the instructions of Klaus Schwab or whoever it is that gives the instructions.
Can the MAGA faction prevail against this in any significant way? It will be a test. I'm sure I do not know the full extent of their resolve and that I don't have all the information they have.
I wish them God speed but they are going to need a lot more than written "I promise" notes from Kevin McCarthy.
Kevin's "A weak man with vain ambitions" == hes a useful snek, especially for an experienced snek handler like Trump who has built up a natural immunity to even the deadliest snek venoms.
I especially appreciate that President Trump doesn't fear or despise sneks but instead seems to find them interesting and often useful.
Faaar more dangerous DC sneks == McConnell and Cruz. Especially Cruz since so many "conservative" normies don't even realize he's a snek and that his "principled Constitutionalst" Outsider brand was manufactured by Team McConnell and Bush.
When Gaetz says, "like adults" I somehow get the impression that in his heart he doesn't qujite include himself in that category.
I think it takes a large amount of credulity not to recognize that Kevin McCarthy is a snake dressed up to look like a squirrel. He is a weak man with vain ambitions and he can only be trusted to be what he is. He hasn't and won't change. He is fully compromised. That is, he is being guided by the globalists in everything he does. He will give a few inches and then derail the whole MAGA agenda at his first opportunity under the instructions of Klaus Schwab or whoever it is that gives the instructions.
Can the MAGA faction prevail against this in any significant way? It will be a test. I'm sure I do not know the full extent of their resolve and that I don't have all the information they have.
I wish them God speed but they are going to need a lot more than written "I promise" notes from Kevin McCarthy.
Kevin's "A weak man with vain ambitions" == hes a useful snek, especially for an experienced snek handler like Trump who has built up a natural immunity to even the deadliest snek venoms.
I especially appreciate that President Trump doesn't fear or despise sneks but instead seems to find them interesting and often useful.
Faaar more dangerous DC sneks == McConnell and Cruz. Especially Cruz since so many "conservative" normies don't even realize he's a snek and that his "principled Constitutionalst" Outsider brand was manufactured by Team McConnell and Bush.