NPCs are created and maintained by keying off of their laziness. They don't want to fight, just accept their slavery. Doomers are about the same, it's easier to give in.
🧠 These people are stupid!

You DO realize that raising a family, supporting a household, and working a full time job is not only demanding but it is also exhausting? Forget all of our government's treason - that's the cherry on top. There's barely enough time to breath when you sleep 7-8 hours and come home from work with just enough time to eat, shit, and shower, let alone do activities with the family, maintain the house and car, and perhaps even have a few seconds every week to enjoy doing your hobby. "The American Dream"
True, and I believe that scenario was created for the few who are independent thinkers. Bread and circus for the sheep, exhaustion and a never-ending work cycle for the ones who do have a brain.
I wonder what happened with all of the perks of employment that seemed to exist pre-2000. After 9/11 is when all of that seemed to vanish. Where did it all go?
It used to be one week's pay went toward rent/mortgage, next week's pay was utilities/food/clothing, third week's pay was entertainment, fourth week's pay was savings. Now it's about 80% of monthly income goes to housing, the rest on food scraps and credit card minimum payments. I feel it's been that way since the 80's or 90's, but it definitely got worse after 9/11. My guess, 9/11 kickstarted the GR.
9/11 kickstarted the Great Reset
That's a feature, not a bug.
Also keep in mind that the commute to work can take 30 minutes or longer depending on traffic. If we are to use the standard 8 hour job which would include a 1 hour lunch break typically then that's 9 hours tied up at work plus on average at least 1 hour of travel time to and from which puts us at 10 hours already. When you add in 8 hours of sleep we're at 18 hours but then add in 30 minutes for getting ready for bed and 30 minutes getting woke up in the morning so it's up to 19 hours already.
Now we're at 5 hours left for cooking, eating, taking a shower, taking a dump, maybe even doing laundry. This can easily leave a person with only 1 or 2 hours in an entire day to relax or do things the person might want to do. Then if this is the M-F work schedule then on the weekends the person would be taking care of things they simply did not have time for during the week which further cuts into free time. This is all just based on the typical job which doesn't exist as much as it used to.
More people now days are forced to work overtime to keep their jobs because if the employer says to work then the person has to work or risk losing their job. Losing a job isn't the end of the world but the society we live in today no longer has the old school fast route to employment. Everything is done online now so a person applies for a job online and waits for a call for an interview that may never come. If the person attempts to go to a place in person they'll likely be told that they'll get a call for an interview if the manager is interested.
20 years ago people could walk into a business and ask to speak to a manager and be able to get hired on the spot, sometimes even starting work that same day but now days it's a longer drawn out process so getting fired from a job can easily lead to 3 to 5 weeks without an income which is enough to cause some people to become homeless so naturally people will work whenever their employer tells them to. The system has successfully trapped people into an endless cycle of bullshit with limited options for escape.
I'd say it's more like 3 to 5 MONTHS to get employment these days, unless you're talking a minimum wage job, then that might take only 3 to 5 WEEKS.
I've worked for myself for a long time now but when I used to work jobs, I remember the process could involve a positive job interview followed by background check which could be a week or two of waiting then sometimes a few weeks before actually starting the job. I didn't include how long it can take to get a job interview because that can be 1 day or several months so that part is a bit more difficult to estimate an average on.
You would think that all of these people who are fed up with their work and employers sucking the life out of them for barely enough to buy scraps would be more in-line with an AMERICA FIRST agenda presidency like Trump. But they vote for more globalism which doesn't make sense, and globalism has always been the bane of our society and workforce! I really don't see the Democrats "rewarding" these people much at all, so I'm not sure what their incentive is to continue shilling for Democrat Globalists. They certainly don't appear to have much of a financial incentive to do so, so, what's the incentive for them really??
Those people that voted against Trump include a lot of the people that want the free handouts like welfare, UBI, etc and democrats promise free money and those people fall for the lie each and every time. One problem is a lot of people that are allowed to vote truly have no business being allowed to vote. Some people vote based on what lies they're told. Some people vote based on emotions. People should be voting based on what they believe the politician will do for them but we all know that voting is largely done for show as a lot of voting results are fraudulent anyways and likely have been for a long time.
I understand the free gibs crowd - but they aren't doing too great either. Barely just enough to get by. Is that their American Dream?