NPCs are created and maintained by keying off of their laziness. They don't want to fight, just accept their slavery. Doomers are about the same, it's easier to give in.
🧠 These people are stupid!

They lack curiosity, analytical, and perceptive ability. They accept everything at face value and don't read between the lines.
The system has conditioned many to believe they will never get ahead and the way things are is as good as it is going to get. That opens the door for UBI and "you will own nothing" which is positioned as better than what they have now. So they just go along.
There are plenty of people who DO experience "getting ahead" in life. They can have successful careers and believe they are "winning" in life.
Yet, they have zero intellectual curiosity about anything, including their own profession.
So, there is more to it than simply being conditioned to not get ahead.
Yup. Getting ahead in life only means someone put in extra effort or got lucky and got a good income but they will still blindly devote their lives to an employer that doesn't give a shit about them. Then they often will not even have enough free time to allow any curiosity to build up. They will be too busy trying to survive and/or too busy going through the motions of a never ending routine filled life. A person would have to break the routine to see something new and a lot of people won't break that routine out of fear.
Many years ago I knew a Dartmouth graduate who didn’t have a single book in his house. Made $ in commercial real estate. Many such cases.
No disagreement on those lacking basic curiosity. But you don't believe the ones who get ahead outnumber those that don't do you?