30 () posted 2 years ago by VitoFanook 2 years ago by VitoFanook +32 / -2 12 comments share 12 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Poorly drawn veins. A five year old can do better. I call bullshit.
Exactly, I want to see this done by others.
This is the vax site sticking magnets all over again...
If this is true imagine how freaky everyone is going to look in a club that is VAXXed
Now think back to those videos from LEOs talking about how black light street lighting was being installed at the entrances to those ‘unused’ Walmarts…..
So this must be what the black lights installed in major cities is for. 🤔 Strange if true, luciferase.
Not just in major cities. I started seeing them go up in my semi-rural small town.
it seems to be coming from an injection site on his upper right arm. So weird looking! His nail beds are glowing too.
Do you remember them invisible ink pens when you were a kid?
Anyone else getting more and more offended by this?
Yeah. Why can people film better? They literally only had one job.