Been a long week for me, stressful at work. Pouring down rain all day and backyard is now a mud pit for the dog after the freeze/thaw. Between storms took her on a walk around the neighborhood to potty and get some exercise.
About 5 houses down female neighbor is unloading groceries from her car. Stop and chat for a bit and she's like "Mike hasn't been doing well. Been diagnosed with a heart condition and recently developed clots in his leg." To put into perspective, very active and fit early 60's and over the summer was rollerblading in the neighborhood. He was always walking, running or jogging and keeping fit.
I said oh no, so sorry to hear that. Any idea what is going on? She said it must be genetic but I can't figure it out as his parents lived healthy as a horse until age 93 and 96 respectively.
Putting two and two together I asked if he was vaxxed. "Oh we both have been triple vaxxed with boosters....."
I just flat out said "well there is your problem." She literally dropped her grocery bag in her driveway and went on a rage, calling me everything but a white man. "How dare you question the science" and incoherent rambling cursing after that. Mind you, cordial neighbors for years, not friends. Friendly Hi and wave here and there.
When she started cursing me I felt the anger raising inside of me and said look bitch "you demanded that I have a vax and a shot card to prove just to enter a fucking grocery store or Burger King. You demanded I wear a mask even outside or go to a car wash just to wash my vehicle. It is fair game that your husband's vax status is questioned and what you are doing to yourselves...."
She then slammed the car door, picked up her groceries and promptly told me to go fuck myself and that I am a moron and science denier.
First hand account.... 4-6% will never wake up....from their dirt nap.
I didn't read it as a joke... it's very possible she will be haunted by this and her husband will die and she'll be left wondering.