"Gates, former CEO and chairman, has been selling approximately 80 million shares annually -- usually 20 million each quarter -- for more than a decade in a long-standing plan to fund the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If Gates continues that pace, he will exhaust his Microsoft holdings in just under four years."
5th of September 2019 was also the day Bill Gates invested in BionTech mRNA vaccines (=Pfizer).
7th of September 2019 Angela Merkel visited Wuhan, China!
https://www.informationweek.com/it-life/gates-sells-16-million-microsoft-shares-rakes-in-421-million that was from 05. https://www.computerworld.com/article/2845964/bill-gates-sells-925m-in-microsoft-stock-still-owns-136b-worth.html this was in 2014. Interesting omission in the article
"Gates, former CEO and chairman, has been selling approximately 80 million shares annually -- usually 20 million each quarter -- for more than a decade in a long-standing plan to fund the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. If Gates continues that pace, he will exhaust his Microsoft holdings in just under four years."
This guy was working on this for a very long time https://www.ivi.int/vaccine-investment-brings-16-fold-return-partnering-with-bill-gates/ that's from 2017 Also from 2017 is a good ole fact check from snopes. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/bill-gates-vaccinations-depopulation/ you really can't make this shit up.