Everything digital is ultimately scammable. Even more so than printing press made crap. And printing press made crap is already horribad.
The entire drive to digitize currency is bullshit. It's made to be played. And, remember, it's far far far easier to play the Social Credit end game of absolute control of the individual with all currency digital.
I love spinning 1s and 0s into silver like Im Rumpel-m'fing-stiltskin.
I just let some remote PM Exchange "deduct" some fugazi, digital "numbers" from a worthless plastic card, and they send physical assets to my front door.
I would not be using federal reserve notes for toilet paper. Both your ass and the sewer system deserve better. I wouldn't use them for burning either. Those things are a toxic nightmare.
Once the fraud is revealed we will have to figure out a way to dispose of them. Maybe we can send them all into the sun.
Everything digital is ultimately scammable. Even more so than printing press made crap. And printing press made crap is already horribad.
The entire drive to digitize currency is bullshit. It's made to be played. And, remember, it's far far far easier to play the Social Credit end game of absolute control of the individual with all currency digital.
Gold and silver can be fractionalized for value same as bit coin. It is way under valued in the opinion of many.
I get great joy trading toilet paper for gold and silver.
I love spinning 1s and 0s into silver like Im Rumpel-m'fing-stiltskin.
I just let some remote PM Exchange "deduct" some fugazi, digital "numbers" from a worthless plastic card, and they send physical assets to my front door.
Its the best deal going in the world.
I would not be using federal reserve notes for toilet paper. Both your ass and the sewer system deserve better. I wouldn't use them for burning either. Those things are a toxic nightmare.
Once the fraud is revealed we will have to figure out a way to dispose of them. Maybe we can send them all into the sun.