Try hitting EDIT at top-right of the text box, or, if you're already in Edit mode, try hitting PREVIEW. That has sometimes actually worked for me.
For the future:
Consider a clipboard manager like COPYLESS -- for Mac, although there must be a similar app for Windows -- and select and COPY your post every few sentences. Then even if the power goes out you'll be able to retrieve what you were writing when you boot back up later.
Try hitting EDIT at top-right of the text box, or, if you're already in Edit mode, try hitting PREVIEW. That has sometimes actually worked for me.
For the future:
Consider a clipboard manager like COPYLESS -- for Mac, although there must be a similar app for Windows -- and select and COPY your post every few sentences. Then even if the power goes out you'll be able to retrieve what you were writing when you boot back up later.
Thanks!. A lot of issues come from my insistence on using a phone to type these in