There was lots of interest in Tesla during Trumps 2015/16 campaign.
Tesla connects with Trump via Trumps genius uncle, John Trump, who was a world famous scientist, inventor and MIT professor with an MS in Engineering and a PhD in physics.
When Tesla died, apparently the government had John Trump review Teslas writings that were found in his hotel room to determine if anything was "useful". He told them no.
According to the story, John Trump kept some of Teslas papers and willed them to his nephew who was also a genius and shared his passion for math, science and outside the box thinking.
There was lots of interest in Tesla during Trumps 2015/16 campaign.
Tesla connects with Trump via Trumps genius uncle, John Trump, who was a world famous scientist, inventor and MIT professor with an MS in Engineering and a PhD in physics.
When Tesla died, apparently the government had John Trump review Teslas writings that were found in his hotel room to determine if anything was "useful". He told them no.
According to the story, John Trump kept some of Teslas papers and willed them to his nephew who was also a genius and shared his passion for math, science and outside the box thinking.
The J in DJT stands for John.