Dont waste your time on semantic rubbish. Every color will be on a RGB scale, even white and black and you can name it whatever you want. No one says that a white person has the rgb #ffffff or black person has the rgb #000000.
I like the concept that we are all shades of brown, but it doesnt change the reality that we are all different. Its the wrong way to approach the problem of racial division.
Instead just acknowledge that all races and ethnic/cultural groups are inherently different, and these differences are what has lead us to this point in our development, and as long as we dont let anyone use this to divide us, we are good.
Of course we are all different, all unique in EVERY way other than just skin tone.
I was just sharing this for a discussion on the whole overall idea of what he was saying. I am not sure if I agree with his viewpoints or not, but I am not opposed to considering thinking about it, is all.
White and black are words that are uses to divide in a simple way
Think of one drop rule and how it was used against people
That is still in effect. Hispanics are proof of it. Al Hispanics are 30-70% "white" at least unless they are purely indigenous (there are about 17 million registered indigenous people in Mexico but it is believed even they at this point have a degree of European genetics. The pure Amerindian might as well be an endangered species) but they are conditioned to see themselves purely as minorities and completely disregard their partial or complete European heritage. By forcing them into POC status you insure their mediocrity and complacency
Because of this, young "Latinos" have aligned themselves with and emulate African Americans or glorify cartel leaders and narco culture
Look at Spanish music as more proof of how the cabal has conditioned Latin America. In the 80s, 90s Spanish music in Latin America was very European. Rock en espanol, Spanish pop, etc. Frank Sinatra has been quoted as saying if he had a "successor" it would have been Mexico's Luis Miguel. Even Mexico's less sophisticated music, banda and ranchera, was music heavily inspired by country music and based on polka (because Mexico had a decently sized German community) Now Spanish music is nothing but reggaeton (spanish Rap) and narcocorridos (modern banda music about cartels and drugs) this shows how globalists have created an intellectual famine in Latin America
Obviously the cabal knows the "Hispanic" population needs to be reined in and controlled in order to destabilize America but also to crush and subjugate Southern America. Think about Brazil...Argentina..Chile....those countries will either be refuges of freedom and culture or they will go the way of Columbia and El Salvador. It is no coincidence in these countries the people have no guns or it is very difficult to acquire guns. Sinister and rather scary
Dont waste your time on semantic rubbish. Every color will be on a RGB scale, even white and black and you can name it whatever you want. No one says that a white person has the rgb #ffffff or black person has the rgb #000000.
I like the concept that we are all shades of brown, but it doesnt change the reality that we are all different. Its the wrong way to approach the problem of racial division.
Instead just acknowledge that all races and ethnic/cultural groups are inherently different, and these differences are what has lead us to this point in our development, and as long as we dont let anyone use this to divide us, we are good.
What’s funny is best put simply, without these differences in race we could never strive for cultural diversity.
Of course we are all different, all unique in EVERY way other than just skin tone.
I was just sharing this for a discussion on the whole overall idea of what he was saying. I am not sure if I agree with his viewpoints or not, but I am not opposed to considering thinking about it, is all.
White and black are words that are uses to divide in a simple way
Think of one drop rule and how it was used against people
That is still in effect. Hispanics are proof of it. Al Hispanics are 30-70% "white" at least unless they are purely indigenous (there are about 17 million registered indigenous people in Mexico but it is believed even they at this point have a degree of European genetics. The pure Amerindian might as well be an endangered species) but they are conditioned to see themselves purely as minorities and completely disregard their partial or complete European heritage. By forcing them into POC status you insure their mediocrity and complacency
Because of this, young "Latinos" have aligned themselves with and emulate African Americans or glorify cartel leaders and narco culture
Look at Spanish music as more proof of how the cabal has conditioned Latin America. In the 80s, 90s Spanish music in Latin America was very European. Rock en espanol, Spanish pop, etc. Frank Sinatra has been quoted as saying if he had a "successor" it would have been Mexico's Luis Miguel. Even Mexico's less sophisticated music, banda and ranchera, was music heavily inspired by country music and based on polka (because Mexico had a decently sized German community) Now Spanish music is nothing but reggaeton (spanish Rap) and narcocorridos (modern banda music about cartels and drugs) this shows how globalists have created an intellectual famine in Latin America
Obviously the cabal knows the "Hispanic" population needs to be reined in and controlled in order to destabilize America but also to crush and subjugate Southern America. Think about Brazil...Argentina..Chile....those countries will either be refuges of freedom and culture or they will go the way of Columbia and El Salvador. It is no coincidence in these countries the people have no guns or it is very difficult to acquire guns. Sinister and rather scary
I am a "Red" head and yes, it is orange; it is why redheads are often brassy toned
Overly analyzed tripe