George Soros Pulls Out of World Economic Forum Due to "Unavoidable Scheduling Problem"
Creepy George Soros pulled out of this year’s World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Soros made the announcement on Twitter last Tuesday. George Soros: Due to an unavoidable scheduling conflict, regrettably I cannot attend the WEF Annual Meeting in Da...
This is like skipping your wedding because you have a dental appointment
Yes, and some say it is easier to have your tooth pulled then getting married! Lol
It's obvious these rats have moved onto another “group”. The WEF name is burned and they know that.
That guys a survivor…he knows when there is danger. That or he’s dead and Alex has been “weekend at bernying” him for months.
Maybe he can’t be released from Gitmo to attend.
No way.... This is Soros' main gig. There is a good reason he isn't attending.... Let's hope it's because he's dead....
Maybe they know the real reason the place is completely surrounded by military, maybe they think it's a big globalist roach motel
Klaus isn't going either. I feel like they're going to lock the doors on the people that ARE there and gas them. I don't know why that popped into my head. My other thought that was while all the "elites" are out of the US, "RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA" (ie really Ukraine) will nuke the US. Oopsie!
Nbiru will crash dive onto Davos?
John Wick will be there?
Or they are having a secret meeting at someones bunker. Cue the sharks with laser beams.
the jab?
Him and Klaus? Have they been taken out?
No such thing exists - they never commit suicide because they have no shame and no fear
Sounds like white hats were maybe going to do something but word leaked out, and now the pedos are all slithering away
Dang...foiled again
These people are SLIPPERY
I wonder if this is an upcoming "Titanic" situation with both Soros and Schwab not attending.
All the stonks he shorted are going boom....
Unexpected trip to Cuba?
But they have 5k soldiers guarding the hen house...what could go wrong?