Jamie Lee Curtis outs herself as part of Pedowood via Instagram. Took the post down but not before a friend grabbed it. Maybe worth looking into cometpictures. Look at the framed picture on the wall...
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮

This isn’t at all Ground Breaking like Fall of the Cabal Parts 1-10 or the clear PizzaGate at all Anons. But for the sake of “How to mini-Dig” I’ll chime in.
Okay Anons: The photo. My kids have done this during the summer, jump into a storage tub too small, full of water to see if they fit near or totally submerged. Heck they still do this stuff at 11 and 15 with 5-6 of their friends even with a pool and hot-tub nearby and Selfy each other in the tub. So is this Jamie herself as a child, or one of her kids or grandkids? Is the kid alive, dead, tortured? WE Don’t Know!
First: On what Jamie states: “But I couldn’t figure out how else to get the picture Out Into The World, that I would post a picture of them on my IG in my offices for @comet.pictures and I am a truth.”
Now to me Anons the context of her statement is very interesting. If looked at through our Eyes, is she comm-ing to Comet, or is she comm-ing about Comet directly to those that would understand this; Anons? She states DIRECTLY, she “couldn’t” figure out how else to get that “Picture Out Into The World”!
2nd: Think-dig about Jamie’s own life/family history and movie career. Think how she has been portrayed as a youth, teen, and adult. Is she trying to tell certain people that may get this a message?
Or, or… is this just a fun, kid, summertime picture she put up of either her, her own kids, or grandkids?
Last: Await any follow-up or read comments from others on any post following this, as someone will comment or ask about a prior-deleted post. Dig more around on other factual info related directly to her, not a bunch of BS MSM drama junk.
Either way she wanted this PUBLIC. We Anons just have to use our BEST discernment and RESEARCH further to decide. You’re all the best! God bless you all. WWG1WGA.
Jamie and her husband adopted a boy and a girl. The boy is now a girl too.
Correct! Unless it’s a Comm or it is her in that tub. It’s very hard to tell by the picture and then the curious statement. And it could be her in the tub, trying to Comm about how she became a star.