Shot heard round the world was the start of the Revolution....
Not really the most historically accurate statement. The Revolution was already occuring prior to Lexington and Concord. The escalation by the Crown that April morning was the start of something more... in short, WAR.
We've already been knee deep in Revolution (which is a spiritual and psychological event, as John Adams said occuring in the hearts and minds of the people) for quite some time. The question has been, when is our Lexington and Concord to explode the powder keg of a war of independence? Are we still waiting for it, or has the war already been going on?
I'm not trying for any reaction, I'm simply pointing out facts. I've also said that hospital admins and the top doctors freely walk to their cars and go home without a care in the world.
Shot heard round the world was the start of the Revolution....
Not really the most historically accurate statement. The Revolution was already occuring prior to Lexington and Concord. The escalation by the Crown that April morning was the start of something more... in short, WAR.
We've already been knee deep in Revolution (which is a spiritual and psychological event, as John Adams said occuring in the hearts and minds of the people) for quite some time. The question has been, when is our Lexington and Concord to explode the powder keg of a war of independence? Are we still waiting for it, or has the war already been going on?
Nobody has the balls.
This is the second time you’ve said exactly this.
What is the reaction you’re going for?
Is this your way of telling us you have a vagina?
Hey we got some nice woman Pedes in here, he’s got one of those tranny axe gashes
Oh no offense meant to the ladies at all. Having a vagina if you’re a woman isn’t an insult I think. Lol
I'm not trying for any reaction, I'm simply pointing out facts. I've also said that hospital admins and the top doctors freely walk to their cars and go home without a care in the world.