⛔️Why would our government be so concerned about gas ⛽️ vehicles 🚗 and natural gas stoves?
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That and the fact that without oil and gas the coming cold period will result in their desired mass population reducting. It may anyway due to the lack of adequate growing seasons, but take away the ability to keep warm and you add insurance to the possibility.
I've seen a guy build a steam powered generator out of an old water heater, plywood scraps, copper wire and some magnets. Some people cannot be held down.
Make friends with that man
All these measures are aimed at killing us. DEPOPULATION
Funnelling= control
control grid = power grid.
Electric cars probably generate a strong magnetic field when they are running. With all that current from the batteries flowing through the car when it's running, I am really curious how strong of an EMF it is generating. Long term exposure to strong magnetic fields isn't good for your body and will probably do more harm than good.
Don’t need the government to tell me 💩. Can’t charge batteries in sub freezing 🥶 weather. They are worthless . Gas cooking beats electric. I also do t need the government to tell me I should use a microwave vs a gas range.
They can piss off.
Never thought about that before and I don't think I've ever heard anyone even mention it until now. I know it's a DC system but I assume the motors are PWM? There would at least be a large back EMF on these things.
Trading places meets wag the dog! They are just screwing with us to piss us all off. Nice try.
Farming fertilizer banned, food processing factories burned, means to cook ( and emergency heat) attacked. A pattern?
Maybe they do not want the affects of Low Level Carbon Monoxide known. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30971638/