Personally I think this is likely close to the truth of what we will see happen, there is DEFINITELY method to the madness.
It just isn't logical to think they are SO DETAILED AND CAREFUL setting up all these other narratives, Trump ends up being correct over and over and HIGHLY INTRICATE COMMS are hitting us all the time....
All of that but somehow a major gaffe here, caught on the wrong side, and a BLIND SPOT where we let the baddies win? Nah, can't be a buyer that we failed on this most critical of issues.
A good theory about what is going on with Trump and the vaccines.
Personally I think this is likely close to the truth of what we will see happen, there is DEFINITELY method to the madness.
It just isn't logical to think they are SO DETAILED AND CAREFUL setting up all these other narratives, Trump ends up being correct over and over and HIGHLY INTRICATE COMMS are hitting us all the time....
All of that but somehow a major gaffe here, caught on the wrong side, and a BLIND SPOT where we let the baddies win? Nah, can't be a buyer that we failed on this most critical of issues.