I saw that outburst of his aimed at some woman. He was embarrassing himself by his behavior, but apparently was oblivious to that, just lashed out. Unless it's all theater, I chalked that one up to his coming unhinged due to some serious health issues due to the jabs. Probably, as you say, issues with women as well at a particularly vulnerable time for him. Not a good look whatever his reasons.
It's going to be a lot for people to come to terms with as the sober realizations start to permeate their consciousness. Many of these people had more invested in adopting the experimental drug mantra besides allaying health concerns - namely ego, a sense of belonging and righteousness and a (false) sense of virtue. It's not going to be pretty when it all starts to crumble around them. Parents who had their children injected will probably be the worst off.
I saw that outburst of his aimed at some woman. He was embarrassing himself by his behavior, but apparently was oblivious to that, just lashed out. Unless it's all theater, I chalked that one up to his coming unhinged due to some serious health issues due to the jabs. Probably, as you say, issues with women as well at a particularly vulnerable time for him. Not a good look whatever his reasons.
It's going to be a lot for people to come to terms with as the sober realizations start to permeate their consciousness. Many of these people had more invested in adopting the experimental drug mantra besides allaying health concerns - namely ego, a sense of belonging and righteousness and a (false) sense of virtue. It's not going to be pretty when it all starts to crumble around them. Parents who had their children injected will probably be the worst off.
He's got a long ways to go before he hits the status of Rob Reiner, but it looks like he is moving in that direction.