I do think one thing is clear when you look at the elites stated agenda and look at what Trump did to hurry the plan. I do think that the plan was for serial viruses followed by serial mandated mRNA jabs, thus by doing operation warpspeed he did in essence save millions of people. It's been very messy, but I don't think their bio weapon had been perfected either. Like when they said maybe only 60% of women would end up sterilized from it instead of the 100% they'd like to see to control population. I do find it hard to reconcile him endorsing the current jabs, but then again I don't know the entire plan.
I do think one thing is clear when you look at the elites stated agenda and look at what Trump did to hurry the plan. I do think that the plan was for serial viruses followed by serial mandated mRNA jabs, thus by doing operation warpspeed he did in essence save millions of people. It's been very messy, but I don't think their bio weapon had been perfected either. Like when they said maybe only 60% of women would end up sterilized from it instead of the 100% they'd like to see to control population. I do find it hard to reconcile him endorsing the current jabs, but then again I don't know the entire plan.