Trump and Elon both make a post on 1/16/23 @ at 2247 creating a zero delta. Now look at Q post 2247. No coincidences.
No Q-incidences!
Trump post on 1/16/23 @ 2247
Elon post on 1/16/23 @ 2247
sov·er·eign (sŏv′ər-ĭn, sŏv′rĭn) n.
This is not the role Trump fills - nor will he ever.
We need to purge the GEOTUS moniker from our MAGA movement. We do NOT want to destroy our constitutional republic with the notion that we want or need a sovereign.
I think it's highly likely that we will have a period of matrial law and many arrests and tribunals and that Trump will soon be found to be the legitimate president.