I've been under the weather for the last couple of days but seem to have made a quick recovery thanks to Satoshi Ōmura's miracle discovery and the Zelenko protocol. SO, while catching up on some chores that fell by the wayside the last couple of days, I was listening to/watching some videos that i had missed. Two that stood out were from Rebel News - the first was an ambush of Greta the Thunberg and second video was an ambush of Alberta Bourla.
Greta Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Uh26skeFYA&t=3s
Bourla Video: https://twitter.com/OzraeliAvi/status/1616712413587415041
While neither of the subjects (Greta, Bourla) gave any insightful answers to the questions, the mere fact that they were being questioned is what stood out to me. How are these ambush interviews even possible? Just a few days before Davos started, there was news of there being 5000 armed security personnel in place to protect the Davos attendees. While Greta can be explained away as her not officially being an attendee but more of a sideshow protester so why would she have security (we all know she's a WEF stooge, however), the same explanation can't be said for Bourla. How are these people being allowed to "walk the gauntlet" laid before them by these ambush interviews. It almost seems like the ambushes are being allowed to happen and these people are being forced to endure the questioning.
Could Davos have been infiltrated by White Hats? That might explain the last minute cancellations by Soros and other high profile WEF members - they found out it's all a set-up. It would also explain why these ambush interviews are happening.
I'll throw some Q references in for good measure:
Playbook known
I see your points.
But the people cannot become the enforcement arm. I think we the people are doing our jobs just fine.
The only thing missing now is the enforcement arm arresting the bad guys.
You should make a post about your theory (your first) so your thoughts can get the exposure they deserve.
I'm no expert, but I'm thinking that NCSWIC is we the people and there will be a world-wide red wave... We are told hold the line, that implies there will come a time when we are no longer told to hold the line. My fellow Americans the Storm is upon us.
While I do believe that there are white hats that will be arresting some of the bad actors, I think the people will determine the full outcome
I hear you!