68 Professor Arne Burkhardt shows that they are finding spike proteins being produced all over the body after mRNA vaccination, including the testicles. All the brown dots are spike proteins in the prostate. (nitter.nl) posted 2 years ago by CoolAsACucumber 2 years ago by CoolAsACucumber +68 / -0 PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) WOAH?Professor Arne Burkhardt shows that they are finding spike proteins being produced all over the body after mRNA vaccination, including the testicles.All the brown dots are spike proteins in the prostate. 31 comments share 31 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Generals mistype sometimes. It happens pede. Now, let’s start over. Does your son want to go to mar a Pago this coming weekend?
Mar-a-Lago? Perhaps. I need to know more.
Are you not proud of his job, mom? You can’t name it here?
His job involves his brain, logic, computer skills and mathematical abilities which earns him a very good living. Stop acting like a stalker and a creep. There's no reason you need to know anything more about my son.
Confirmed. The above is incorrect. Closing communications.
Ok great I was looking for someone who uses their brain. We will be contacting him shortly and/or visiting him in his trailer park.