Telegram were people like IntelSlavaZ or Intel Republic and many others are posting live or videos of battles, updates, EU News, and News from the West. You can try the lefty main stream media but you will only be told Ukraine is winning. Or maybe you can listen to Colonel Douglas MacGregor who is seen regularly on REDACTED, or Judge Napolitano or even Gerald Celente as well. Then we have Gonzalo Lira who is actually in Kharkov itself reporting every day or so. Many of the Telegram accounts are posting videos that only someone on the frontline has access to. Do you really think the Russian Military would allow these posts to be published if they were a threat or misinformation. Why don’t you look thru PAtrick Lancaster’s EARLY videos and hear it from the Donbas people themselves. It’s not hard.
Yeah I would love to be able to access it and see both the real and the fake. But that isn't possible if only telegram is used as the medium, which in itself is suspect huh.
Telegram were people like IntelSlavaZ or Intel Republic and many others are posting live or videos of battles, updates, EU News, and News from the West. You can try the lefty main stream media but you will only be told Ukraine is winning. Or maybe you can listen to Colonel Douglas MacGregor who is seen regularly on REDACTED, or Judge Napolitano or even Gerald Celente as well. Then we have Gonzalo Lira who is actually in Kharkov itself reporting every day or so. Many of the Telegram accounts are posting videos that only someone on the frontline has access to. Do you really think the Russian Military would allow these posts to be published if they were a threat or misinformation. Why don’t you look thru PAtrick Lancaster’s EARLY videos and hear it from the Donbas people themselves. It’s not hard.
Yeah I would love to be able to access it and see both the real and the fake. But that isn't possible if only telegram is used as the medium, which in itself is suspect huh.
Got sauce?
Many of those mentioned have their own webpages. I’ll try and dig for you.
That's ok, don't bother, I understand the deal in Ukraine and don't actually need the day by day sitreps.