Fucking stupid. What the fuck is that supposed to actually accomplish? Cancel the damn rally, and ask for everyone who is planning to attend to spend their money (travel expenses, time off work, etc.) instead, to support those who are fighting in the legal arena, and honest media outlets that are spreading the truth.
Hollering in the streets, and cheerleading isn't going to accomplish a damned thing, this ain't the 1960's; people don't need to march in the streets for their voices to be heard. But it will open the door for leftist agitators to harm the movement, and distract public attention away from the core issue- election fraud. Organize and fund impactful action, not cheerleading.
Not true. It has to do with manifestation of the collective energy. When we come together with a joint cause we manifest the reality we want. When enough people do this we create a new divergent reality.
This is how the occult deep state has kept mankind in the darkness by using us and our collective minds to create their dystopia.
We are already together. The entire country is behind Kari, and AZ. Concrete, and effective action is the primary force required for justice to work. Not talk, not cheerleading.
Decision makers need to see hard evidence, and be hit with legal challenges- that costs money. Fund real action, not cheerleading.
It's a very good way to release information, not everyone is on TS, or social media. Trump uses this tactic all the time, media covers it, people listening tell other people, and so forth, it produces waves, repercussions, and effects. Stop thinking as Thomas Sowell says in stage 1 terms.
She has some serious trolls that comment on her account...haha, not sending their best...
Lol i know were good at fooling ourselves into thinking dumb things but are we really so retarded that we think were actually a majority at this point?
How can it be "Fucking Stupid " when you know youre standing up for your
Rights we all know her race was Stolen,.,.what are Republicans supposed to do each time this voter fraud happens," it happened in 2020 and it happened in the mid terms,.roll over and do nothing,..this woman is a fighter,..but where are the Republicans,. that should be backing her up,...Her race was stolen 100% Katie Hobbs wouldnt debate her and hid in her basement,. Joe Biden wouldnt debate Trump and hid in his basement,.they both won,..really,..maybe thats the new way to win Elections huh,.dont Debate and hide in the basement,..Fighting for what is right is never Fucking stupid,.when you do nothing you accomplish nothing,...!
2020 was brazen election theft. When that wasn't resolved, any federal elections after that are a banana republic joke. Trump won in a landslide. She won in a landslide and the bitch that stole it snickered while taking the oath of office. Florida is the only state with free and fair elections, and only because DeSantis squeeked by a black faggot crackhead. This woman with balls as big as church bells needs to be seated as Governor of Arizona, or we're permanently fucked. If Trump is the nominee in 2024, every deep blue urban shithole needs a patriot blockade surrounding it to take out any trucks and/or vans hauling in fake ballots and set them on fire with the driver in it.
Sounds like, “Be there, will be wild” from Trump. So yeah, unless anyone is interested in being thrown in jail for participating in a fake insurrection, I would recommend staying away from this.
AZ GAW pedes better be there!
Fucking stupid. What the fuck is that supposed to actually accomplish? Cancel the damn rally, and ask for everyone who is planning to attend to spend their money (travel expenses, time off work, etc.) instead, to support those who are fighting in the legal arena, and honest media outlets that are spreading the truth.
Hollering in the streets, and cheerleading isn't going to accomplish a damned thing, this ain't the 1960's; people don't need to march in the streets for their voices to be heard. But it will open the door for leftist agitators to harm the movement, and distract public attention away from the core issue- election fraud. Organize and fund impactful action, not cheerleading.
Not true. It has to do with manifestation of the collective energy. When we come together with a joint cause we manifest the reality we want. When enough people do this we create a new divergent reality.
This is how the occult deep state has kept mankind in the darkness by using us and our collective minds to create their dystopia.
totally agree,..!
Lay off the dope dude.
We are already together. The entire country is behind Kari, and AZ. Concrete, and effective action is the primary force required for justice to work. Not talk, not cheerleading.
Decision makers need to see hard evidence, and be hit with legal challenges- that costs money. Fund real action, not cheerleading.
Making noise can help raise more money.
We need to shine a bright light on these disgusting evil commie cheating sonsabitches.
It's a very good way to release information, not everyone is on TS, or social media. Trump uses this tactic all the time, media covers it, people listening tell other people, and so forth, it produces waves, repercussions, and effects. Stop thinking as Thomas Sowell says in stage 1 terms.
She has some serious trolls that comment on her account...haha, not sending their best...
I think it's time we show our numbers and destroy this "handful of MAGA extremists" narrative.
Lol i know were good at fooling ourselves into thinking dumb things but are we really so retarded that we think were actually a majority at this point?
Totally agree.
How can it be "Fucking Stupid " when you know youre standing up for your Rights we all know her race was Stolen,.,.what are Republicans supposed to do each time this voter fraud happens," it happened in 2020 and it happened in the mid terms,.roll over and do nothing,..this woman is a fighter,..but where are the Republicans,. that should be backing her up,...Her race was stolen 100% Katie Hobbs wouldnt debate her and hid in her basement,. Joe Biden wouldnt debate Trump and hid in his basement,.they both won,..really,..maybe thats the new way to win Elections huh,.dont Debate and hide in the basement,..Fighting for what is right is never Fucking stupid,.when you do nothing you accomplish nothing,...!
Have to say I agree I mean it’s fine that you have supporters and they will come out and support you. That’s not the issue.
Well said.
2020 was brazen election theft. When that wasn't resolved, any federal elections after that are a banana republic joke. Trump won in a landslide. She won in a landslide and the bitch that stole it snickered while taking the oath of office. Florida is the only state with free and fair elections, and only because DeSantis squeeked by a black faggot crackhead. This woman with balls as big as church bells needs to be seated as Governor of Arizona, or we're permanently fucked. If Trump is the nominee in 2024, every deep blue urban shithole needs a patriot blockade surrounding it to take out any trucks and/or vans hauling in fake ballots and set them on fire with the driver in it.
Sounds like grifting at this point I don’t trust her
Sounds like, “Be there, will be wild” from Trump. So yeah, unless anyone is interested in being thrown in jail for participating in a fake insurrection, I would recommend staying away from this.
Start the Arizona governor recall. More evidence of election fraud is worthless.
That’s my chihuahua’s 19th bday but the party should be over by then lol
Where is it being held?