If you follow the financial markets or better yet if you are a trader, you have been seeing the death of the US dollar strengthening with no end in sight.
IMO, our "enemies" and "allies" are partaking in a coordinated attack on the dollar every single day.
I believe the war in Ukraine had a dual strategy. On one hand to rid Ukraine of AZOV filth and their proxies and on the other hand, to destroy the US dollar.
The Russians knew the American goyvernment would immediately begin printing hordes of dollars to "support" the Ukrainians and by "support" I mean commit fraud against the American people. They knew the goys and their masters in government wouldn't be able to help themselves.
So far, even as the Federal Reserve continues to "cut" and raise rates, congress continues to spend. No one out there wants dollars anymore.
What else happened recently? The Saudis opened the door to accepting currency other than US dollars. The sharks smell blood in the water.
Japan is dumping dollars in intervals and they hold the largest reserves outside of the US.
China and Russia are both hording gold like it's the end of the world while China dumps dollars onto the market.
This imo has been a decades long plan and all these countries hate the US even if they did business with us. And now they are hammering away piece by piece.
Don't forget, BRICS nations is littered with countries that hate the United States for what our government has done to them over the last 50 years.
And don't think Europe is on our side either. Europeans don't give two shits what happens to the US.
The dollar is dying rapidly and our nation is degenerating just as fast internally.
And where do the NPCs get their views and opinions from? Take away the source (MSM), what is left? A bunch of idiots who can’t think for themselves. They’ll naturally fall into to the place of least resistance and those that don’t are likely lost forever.
MSM is for boomers, fren. Modern day millennial and zoomer NPCs have been brainwashed by the education system to oppose anything that's common sense, logical or otherwise pure, clean and correct.
You ever had a conversation with one of them? Seen the look in their eyes when you trigger a certain conversation or topic they don't care about but are trained to respond with generic responses?
You are 100% correct. Younger NPC’s get their media from tik tok, twitter, Facebook etc. and have been already made brain dead by the education system.