Doctors in USA admit they killed Patients during the Pandemic by putting them on Ventilators
A jaw-dropping article published by The Wall Street Journal in December 2020 has resurfaced. In it, American physicians admitted to ventilating patients who did not need it as a step in their…
especially when the use of ventalators was incentified
Exactly. They got a payment for categorizing everything as Covid, another payment for using ventilators, and another payment for using Remdesivir...
Both the ventilators and Remdesivir caused a lot of damage and/or killed patients - so they better lawyer up. Let the class action lawsuits begin...
No one that participated should be under the assumption that they will be keeping that money
No different than placing you over an altar and cutting your heart out.
In the UK, media and government were blaring about 'thousands of cases' daily. However, on the government own statistics Notification Of Infectious Diseases weekly reports - reflecting conditions actually clinically diagnosed by a doctor - the numbers for C19 were often in the low hundreds for the entire week. And this was there all the time for anyone to look at.
I guess they are done dancing around like a bunch of morons. Health professionals better lawyer up. A shit storm is coming. Gos wins no deals.
Suicide week end.
It says On the Test Box, that they will provide False results. It says on the Mask box that they DO NOT stop a virus. Everyone that has supported the covid Lie is a criminal. Imagine Who that includes?
The scramble begins on cue in the UK lol
I wonder how many of those dead patients were organ harvested.
Damn, that's a great question. I bet the families were even bribed (with funeral expenses or something) in order to donate their family member's organs.
String them up