I understand that you are always looking for good things to do with some of your money, so how about this...
We need one of our billionaire good guys to buy CNN, specifically.
After all, it is "The Most Trusted Name In News."
Maybe it's time to use that to our advantage.
There are a few million of us that would appreciate the help.
Thanks, Pepe.
Give it 3 months and you'll be able to buy it for two bags of Cheetos and a used loofah
Why spend a Billion$$ on CNN when only 500,000 people watch?
500k seems way too high
Anyone that buys CNN for $1B will make that back in no time by airing a series of specials on the bullshit the old CNN owners aired going all the way back to the HW Bush administration.
Only thing valuable at CNN is the building and equipment, nothing else.
Their lack of viewership shows that they are not trusted and it would take a 100% turnover in personnel and an on air admittance of all fake stories they previously aired to rehabilitate this network. It’s cheaper to let this corporation go to their eventual bankruptcy and put money into a real patriot news organization. I’ll keep my billion$.
Bet a kickstarter campaign would raise most of the needed investment!