Director at big pharma is still on the worker bee, stooge side of the power matrix. There are probably 30 of him in that company and he talks to his supervisor once a quarter 😂
He knows what he’s allowed to know, and what they gossip about at the free coffee machine and is spilling it trying to get laid and spread monkey pox
Keeping us honest. The information is great, but He is NOT an executive or decision maker at Pfizer. He’s spilling beans not a chef. For credibility and validity of our argument, Don’t tout him as such.
He’s the middle man between the c level people that want to do this and research and development scientists who develop the drug. He’s complicit for not whistle blowing. He’s committed a crime against humanity.
This guy is a DIRECTOR not some random low level employee making jokes.
Director at big pharma is still on the worker bee, stooge side of the power matrix. There are probably 30 of him in that company and he talks to his supervisor once a quarter 😂
He knows what he’s allowed to know, and what they gossip about at the free coffee machine and is spilling it trying to get laid and spread monkey pox
Why would you downplay this?
Keeping us honest. The information is great, but He is NOT an executive or decision maker at Pfizer. He’s spilling beans not a chef. For credibility and validity of our argument, Don’t tout him as such.
He’s the middle man between the c level people that want to do this and research and development scientists who develop the drug. He’s complicit for not whistle blowing. He’s committed a crime against humanity.